1b | physics tutor

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- after school; y/n is at dance practice and peter is on "duty"

Peter's p.o.v

   I swung from building to building searching for Y/n's dance studio. I stopped on top of an apartment building just across from Y/n's dance studio. This is where I decided I would keep watch until the end of my shift. I dangled my feet off the edge of the building watching closely through the windows of the dance studio.

   "Karen, zoom in on the dance studio across the street." I said to the technology inside my suit, Karen.

   "Are you trying to be creepy Peter?" Karen asked me.

   "No! Of course not. I'm just trying to watch this girl." I pleaded to the voice.

   "Sounds like you're being creepy." The technology urged, but zoomed in finally.

   "Thank you, Karen."

   "You're welcome, Peter."

   It was 5:20, so it was about time for Y/n to be getting out of practice. She seemed to be really good, but I don't know anything about dancing. A few minutes passed and Y/n was walking out of the studio. I decided it was time to go get changed and pick her up.

   Just as I was walking to jump off the building into an alleyway, I heard screams.

   "The girl you were watching is getting attacked on the sidewalk. I suggest that you go save her." Karen said in my ear.

   "No shit, Karen!" I said swinging on my webs towards the attack.

   "Watch your language, Peter."

   The man was covering Y/n's mouth, dragging her as she struggled in his arms. He was taking her to the alley beside the dance studio. I went as fast as I could to the alley.

   "Get your hands off her!" I said as threateningly as I could muster.

   "Oh yeah? What're you going to do?" The creepy old man asked me.

   "Activating taser web." Karen said in my ear.

   I shot it at the criminal as he fell to the ground, twitching. I webbed him down to the ground. There was no way he was getting out of that anytime soon.

   Y/n was backed up against a wall, gasping for air. I saw tears streaming down her cheeks.

   "Are you okay, miss?" I asked sweetly going over to her and picking her up. "I promise everything is okay now."

   "Thank you so much." She whispered, hugging me.

   "It's no problem, ma'am." I said, squeezing her tighter.

   "I can't imagine what would've happened if you weren't here." She backed up and looked up at me.

   "Are you um waiting on anyone?" I asked her, taking her to a bench in front of the dance studio.

   "Uh yeah this guy is supposed to pick me up at like 5:45." She said as I collected her spilled stuff from the ground.

   "Oh okay. Is he like... your boyfriend or something?" I asked as her face turned red.

   "No, no," she paused for a moment, smiling. "This sounds silly, but you sound just like him."

   I nearly choked on nothing.

   "Me? Oh, come on." I said deepening my voice a bit.

   "That sounds exactly like something he'd say," She laughed.

   "Well, uh I've got to get back to my duties. Are you okay with sitting here for another few minutes?" I asked, not wanting to leave her alone again.

   "Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine." She nodded and smiled.

   "Can't have a pretty lady like you getting hurt." I said jumping across the street.

   "What the hell was that, Peter?" I asked myself.

   "I don't know." Karen replied.

   I quickly got changed and ran across the street in busy traffic to meet her for the second time. It was 5:44 now. Just on time.

   We smiled at each other as we came together. Unexpectedly, she ran up and hugged me tightly.

   "Peter, thank goodness you're here." She said throwing her arms around my neck.

   I wrapped my arms around her waist as she clung to me.

   "Did something happen?" I asked, trying to seem oblivious.

   "You wouldn't believe it!"

   She told me the whole story as we walked down to the subway. She was more excited about me saving her than worried that she could've been kidnapped or worse.

"And then the spider-boy guy from YouTube swung in and was like—" She began excitedly.

"Spider-man." I corrected with a chuckle.

"Oops sorry— anyways, he was like 'get your hands off her!' Like I was worried of course, but with him there I felt safe." She said smiling, fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

"Well, when you get to my apartment, fill free to take a shower or anything. Aunt May doesn't mind. I know you must feel nasty after what happened." I said keeping my hand on her lower back to make sure she was with me.

"That'd be great, but I don't have any extra clothes." She said furrowing her eyebrows down at the ground.

"Y-You can um borrow some of mine if-if you want. I mean you don't have to—" She cut me off with a giggle.

"Yeah, I'd like that." She said starring deeply into my eyes.

I felt my face grow hot as she starred at me. She was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. I've had a crush on her for awhile now. She was just so funny and easy to talk to. Plus she was smart, nice, and beautiful. Our stare broke as she smiled broadly at me then looked away. I couldn't help but smile at the ground.

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