ⓒⓗ 7: TRAPPED! But what are they up to?

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Yn, Trinity, JADA and zazi order the mini cameras and mics and hide it in their room. But just then they hear them coming UP the stairs And they quickly hide in the closet...


Lol they are whisper yelling...

Zazi: great... now wtf are we supposed to do????

Trini: bitch yhu tryna kill me now aren't you?

Yn: calm y'all asses down. This is actually a good thing... now we can actually listen to the conversation ourselves!

JADA: but what if it ain't about shit?

Yn: trust me... those bitches are always hating they gonna day some type of shit...

Trini: Shhhh! Here they come...


Nicole: lol shut up.

Mina: so what are we gonna do about those bitches

Nicole: shaddup! Not right now I'm eating and watching spongebob.

Mina: No boo this is an issue we need to discuss now noe any plans?

Shay: we all used to be their girlfriends so we used to have some type of sexual connection with them. So... let's...

Tasha: uh -uh thats dirty, mean and thirsty asl

Nicole: exactly...

Mina: besides... I could have some fun with ej...

*she blushes*

Lol zazi went crazy... we all had to cover her mouth and hold her back. Her face was red lol.

they soon fell asleep. So we had to quickly maneuver the nasty plates of food and dodge the fact that we were hungry asl and were ready to eat their slightly warm fries that they left over from the harolds!

We slipped into our rooms and they were watching t.v. on their way to sleep.

I plopped down next to ray. And I shed a few tears onto my pillow, facing away from ray and trying to fight back my tears as hard as I could. While everyone else was asleep, Ray heard my sniffles and spooned next to me. he hovered over my shoulders and said "bae whats wrong? What happened? "

"I'm fine I'm fine... " I said trying to put a fake smile on my face.

"Bae please tell me, I hate it when you are like this.I don't like it when you aren't yourself. " he sat up and shed one tear and looked at me and said " I really dont... "

That was real right there. Shedding a tear for your bae... shows that you care, cant live without 'em, that he would... he would DIE for me... knowing this i sat up and layed my head on his chest. I wiped my tears and said,

"i was worried but you made me realize that, it could never happen... you care to much for me... I love you So Much And You don't even know..." with a smile on my face, i also began to shed a tear.

Rated R


I looked into his eyes, he looked into mine... So i kissed him passionately and slowly to show that i love him. Things escalated quickly and i slowly got on top of him. I kissed him on his neck and him gripping my ass tighter and tighter showed that he wanted more.

The thing was i didnt know if i was exactly ready... i felt ready but i was nervous...

Ray then got on top of me and held my hands above my head, and kissed me passionately. I let out a soft moan and I started to try to wiggle my hands free from above my head and he knew that I wanted more, though I was still confused...

I mean... I don't wanna be on sixteen and pregnant or something but... he...

I love him and... I don't know...

Our kisses became deeper, longer and he slipped his tounge in our kiss...

His other hand was gettin closer and closer to my boobie (lol I ruind the moment. But its fun to say boobie ) knowing What's coming, I got hotter and hotter and tried to wiggle free even more. His hand finally placed on my boobie (xD) I relaxed a little bit and let out a small moan. But I startes to get hot in... that area (lol I ruin the moment to much) so I quickly turned away and scrunched into a ball.

Ray understood and said. " playing hard to get huh? "

"I'm getting there okay! But you could call it that..."

THEN we slowly went to sleep cuddled closer to each other...


Haven't updated in forever so I gave you guys a surprise!

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