chapter six

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Basehor, Kansas

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Basehor, Kansas

2018, AD

6:00 pm

"Papa?" Helani called walking into her home's living room, "I'm home."

The girl turned her head towards the kitchen as footsteps echoes around the wooden floor. She was greeted by her Mother, Goldi, and her warm smile that often fades around her Father.

"Mama, where is Papa?" She asked.

"He's still at work, he'll be home in half an hour. If you want redemption from him you can start by helping me to prepare his dinner."

"Don't you mean our dinner?" Husain Jr. called from the open door of his room towards the end of the hallway.

"What are we making?" Helani asked, ignoring her brother's remark.

"Dahl and Ghughra."

"Mama, may I please make some french fries too have with the Dahl?"

Her mother paused to ponder Helani's question. "I suppose so," She told her daughter whose face lit up, "But only after you have finished preparing the Ghughra! Your Papa will be cranky if he doesn't get dessert. Especially after a long shift like today."

"Thank you, Mama!" Helani said expressing her gratitude.

Helani fleeted around the kitchen going through each cupboard and pantry looking for her materials. The next ingredient on her long list was unsalted butter. She quickly turned to the old fridge in the corner of the kitchen and trudged toward it.

"Do you know where the butter is? The unsalted stick," Helani asked unable to spot it. A moment before her Mother could respond she found it. "Nevermind, I found it!"

"Is there anything else you need?"

"I don't believe so," She said thinking about what she needed, "Wait! Should I go into the back and gather some cloves to decorate with?"

"That'd be nice, go on. Just turn the porch light on."

Helani walked through the house's narrow hallway, passing her brother's room on the way. She stopped and peered into his room. Her eyes couldn't help but follow the pictures on his wall of him and his girlfriend, Andy. Helani sighed. She liked Andy, honestly. She just didn't like Andy and her brother together. The brunette carried on not bothering to speak to her brother.

When she turned on the blinding porch light Helani was reminded of what had happened at the research facility. It was impossible. Reading minds? Helani couldn't believe it. She wouldn't believe it.

A small rustling sound interrupted Helani's thoughts. She turned her head and looked around at the bushes. A sense of uneasiness crept into her stomach. Helani took shallow breaths trying to make as little noise as possible.

Snarls filled the air coming from all around her. Helani immediately started to tread back to her house scanning her eyes for any dangerous animal. She risked taking a glance back to see how far away the porch was. She was close, five more steps at most. Four. Three. Two.

The porch light shut off. Helani turned too open the door and from behind her, a large creature heaved a bundle of fire that danced in the air looking to latch onto someone. Helani turned and looked at the creature in its eyes that closely resembled a lion.

The creature bowed its head and then crouched its legs. Helani's eyes widened. It was about to pounce. She waited to watch the creatures every move. She knew that if she timed this right she would have a chance to escape.

It leaped into the air and Helani quickly threw herself off the porch. She heard a woman screaming and thought the creature had gotten her. It was possible her body was in shock and not registering what she did after impact. But this voice wasn't in pain. 

Helani propped herself onto her elbows and looked back. A woman stood in front of where she had been moments ago slashing the air as several animals appeared in front of her. The bodies fell to the ground and faded into the air.

The fighting stopped but Helani's fear and confusion remained. The woman turned around and uncovered her face that had been hidden by a navy cloak. The woman's face was sharp and angular. Her eyes were shimmering like gold.

"Who are you?" Helani asked.

"I need not be your foe unless you give me a reason to be." She replied vaguely.

"That's not what I asked. Tell me your name." Helani ordered becoming impatient.

"With such a tone I say you don't deserve to know." Helani sighed at her response and put a hand up to her warm forehead.

"I'm sorry I've just had a long day."

"I know you have, Helani. I have also had a long day."

"How do you know my name?"

"I know everything. I'm Pythia, The First Oracle to ever exist."

Helani thought that maybe, just maybe, she could start believing that she had magical powers. After her night it didn't seem like the most impossible thing.

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