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They had just entered the home of the latest victim. Chloe wondered if this victim was connected to Lucifer like the flight attendant. As she approached the body and got a run-down from Dan, doing her best to keep her demeanor purely professional, she breathed a sigh of relief and turned to Lucifer and quipped.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that you didn't sleep with this guy, so we don't have to worry if this is related to you." Chloe was glad not to find another stewardess or some such at the scene. She didn't wish to be reminded of Lucifer's promiscuous lifestyle.

Lucifer looked down on the body clad in only a bath towel in shock. "Ah, Detective, I'm afraid you'd be wrong about that. I do know this man. Poor Raj, so fit," Lucifer remarked, his voice tinged with fondness and disappointment as he bent down near the body. "What happened to you, Raj?" Lucifer didn't get attached to his lovers normally, but he recalled Raj being a good chap and his death displeased him.

Chloe looked at Lucifer as if seeing him for the first time. The look on her face unreadable at first, but then her eyes narrowed, and for a moment, a look of pure disgust swept her face before she pulled a neutral look as Lucifer stood, turning toward her.

"Detective, we must find this culprit. First, Jana and now Raj. I wonder, is someone trying to send me a message?" Lucifer looked at Chloe expectantly but was surprised at the stern look on her face.

"Not everything is about you Lucifer. You do know that, right?" She scolded as they got into her police cruiser a short time later. She struggled to keep her emotions off of her face, but she was losing the battle, and as she turned to him, she saw red. "Do you really mean to tell me that you...have sex with men? That you had sex with that man?" She raised her voice a bit with each question.

Lucifer was taken aback by the vitriol he could feel in her words. Bit by bit, his heart was breaking, he just didn't fully know it yet. "Why Detective, what on earth are you on about? We're living in the 21st century, not the Dark Ages. Why does it upset you so much that I have had male lovers? Have you not heard of the term Pansexual?" The Devil did not see the dark expression in Chloe's eyes, and so was not prepared for what came next.

Chloe pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath, trying once again to control herself. She failed.

"Yes, I've heard of the term," she began stiffly, her tone dripping with anger mixed with disgust. "Doesn't mean I have to agree with it or put up with it in my life. I'm sick and tired of the bullshit. If you and Dan both want to have your cake and eat it too, be my guest. But don't you dare bring your lifestyle around me or my daughter. There's a reason why I'm divorced. Now, get out of my car Morningstar!" Chloe commanded, not even looking at him.

Lucifer knew better than to argue with her, and letting out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, he opened the door and exited the vehicle. As he watched Chloe speed off, he considered her words and realized two things. First, Dan must have said or done something that upset Chloe and led to the end of their marriage. Second, he obviously did not know Detective Chloe Decker anywhere near as well as he thought he did. He hated the tight feeling in his chest, the pain that, try as he might, didn't want to go away. He wondered why she felt this way, why he had allowed her this power over him. Why he had trusted her. Well, she wasn't interesting or trusted anymore.


In another world, another life, Lucifer imagined that Chloe wouldn't have even blinked at the knowledge of his sexuality. But this was not that world and he knew now that she would never care for him. He had set out that morning to prove his worth to her, but as he walked back towards the crime scene, to try and get a ride back to the precinct, his mind in a slight haze of pain and outrage, it occurred to him that she had proved she wasn't worth his time and devotion. He deserved more than her contempt. Seeing Dan approaching him with an inquisitive look on his face, his expression brightened. Maybe he'd be able to kill two birds with one stone.

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