Case Closed

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After going through the files again, Lucifer and Dan both agreed that they needed to go back to the precinct to talk to Ella and see if the crime scene analysis revealed any clues. They figured that they may have to talk to Decker as well, but were hoping it wouldn't come to that, at least not today. Although, they hoped that if they  did run into her, perhaps she'd actually be helpful. 

As they headed towards the elevator, Dan couldn’t help himself and held out a hand causing Lucifer to stop.

“Daniel, are you alright?” Lucifer was a bit perplexed at first, but then he caught the bright smile on his boyfriend’s face.

“Lucifer, thank you, for everything.” Dan leaned up to kiss his partner softly. “Now, we had better get out of here if we’re going to solve this case.”

“Right you are darling, but I need to make a quick stop in Lux first. Since Girl Bar isn’t that far from here, there’s a good chance that the victim also visited Lux at some point in the evening. I’ll have my manager send the footage from our security system straight to your email at the precinct.”

It wasn’t long until they were on their way back to the precinct with assurances from Patrick the head bartender at Lux and day manager, that the footage would be waiting for them in Dan’s email when they arrived.

Figuring that Lucifer could handle driving with one hand, the detective reached over to take the Celestial’s right hand.

“Thank you Lucifer, you have no idea how happy I am right now.”

Lucifer chuckled. “I should be thanking you, love. You have given me all that I could wish for and more.” He squeezed Dan’s hand and smiled. “But will you be okay once we get back? I know that when we left earlier, it wasn't the best experience for you. Are you feeling better?" He looked over at Dan for a moment to assess him. 

"Lucifer, dear, has anyone ever told you that you are a bit overprotective?" Dan grinned as he saw the shocked look on Lucifer's face. "Well you are, but right now, I really appreciate it." 

They rode in silence the rest of the way to the precinct, just enjoying each other’s company in the calm before the storm of their coworkers, especially Decker. It wasn’t very long before they arrived, and this time, Lucifer parked and they entered the building together. As they rode in the elevator, Dan reached for his partner’s hand and squeezed it. Lucifer returned the gesture, silently letting his detective know he was there for him. 

As they stepped out of the elevator and entered the precinct, they were happy to notice that most people were just going about their duties and not paying them much attention. They had almost reached Dan’s desk when they heardher come up behind them.

“Lucifer, Dan, where have you two been? Canoodling I bet.” Decker rolled her eyes. “Anyway, I believe that I may have a lead on this case. We have a witness who has come forward.”

At her words, the two partners turned and looked at her; Lucifer quirked an eyebrow and Dan answered for both of them.

“Really? That sounds good. Why don’t you give us the witness information and we’ll talk to them. Lucifer had footage from Lux sent over; I’ll forward it to you to review while we interview the first witness.”

Decker stood there in shock while Dan logged into his computer to check his email. After he found what he was looking for, Dan forwarded the email to Decker before locking his computer. He stood to join his partner, watching as Lucifer dealt with their ex. 

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