Chapter Six

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I wake to the buzzing of my phone. I groan and pick it up, and am blinded by the light of a thousand suns.

It's a text from Tyler.

Tyler: Starbucks at 10?

Connor: meet you there


"Get up, slut."

I look up sleepily and blink in confusion as clothes are thrown at my face. It's Tyler. He won't even make eye contact with me.

"Get dressed and get out!"

Afraid, I slip into my clothes and stumble out onto the street. I stick my hand in my pocket and find a roll fives and tens stuffed inside. My tip.

I wince as I start walking. Shit. It fucking hurt. A lot.

I stop at a nearby Starbucks and order a tall iced coffee. Nothing fancy, just enough to wake me up. I slide the barista a ten and tell her to keep the change. She hands me my coffee with an expression of faint recognition.

I find a deserted table and sit, sipping my coffee, wondering how Cobra will find me.

A quick glance at the wall clock tells the time: 9:54. Jeez, on a normal day I'd still be in bed, sleeping off the exhaustion of a whole night on my laptop.

I am startled out of my daze when an extremely cute brunet walks in. He seems to light up the room as he enters. He looks around the room after giving the barista two rather complicated orders, and his eyes settle on me. Me, in the midst of the crowded coffee shop, me?

He grabs the drinks and sits in the chair across from me. "Hi, you don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all," I say, simply entranced. I feel like I recognize this boy.

He sips from his coffee and glances out the window. He looks back at me, an odd expression on his face, and holds his hand out. "I'm Connor."

I accept the handshake. "Troye with an 'e'."

The cutie--Connor--smirks. "'Troye with an 'e'', huh?"

I smile, my cheeks flushing. "Yeah, my mom--" my voice chokes off for a second, "--my mom had an interesting taste in spelling."

Connor chuckles, "Don't worry, it's cute."

Holy shit.

An amazingly hot boy called me (well, my name) "cute"!

Holy mother of Beyoncé.

I blush. "Thanks, Connor."

"No problem." He looks out the window again. "So what're you doing here?"

I shrug, "I just need a caffeine boost."

He laughs. A real, genuine laugh. "Same. Well, actually, I'm meeting a friend." His eyes lock on someone on the sidewalk. "There he is now!"

"Oh," I say, as the "friend" opens the door, "I can leave if you want--"

"Hey, what's up Connor?"

My heart stops.

It's Tyler Oakley.

{A/N: dun dun dunnnnnnnn!!!!

So yeah. Cheers for Tronnor interaction! Yayyy!

Yes, as promised, I updated! It's an effin miracle!

So anyway, ily and stay tuned!


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