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Bobby hovered the pen over the span of white space, trying to figure out what to write. It had been over two years since that terrible day at MC's parents' house. There had been the occasional correspondence since then. A "Happy Birthday" text here and there. Maybe a "Merry Christmas" too. And after Bobby had publicly defended Noah and MC in the midst of the media circus, they had both reached out separately to thank him.

Once their engagement was confirmed, the rumors started spreading. Soon it was public opinion that MC and Noah had begun having an affair immediately after leaving the Villa, leading to the demise of each of their relationships. MC was harrassed ruthlessly, and portrayed as the backstabbing harlot who had tricked the public, and played their sweet baker boy. Bobby was suddenly receiving a deluge of sympathetic messages, riddled with vicious comments about how MC had wronged him, and how he deserved better. His stomach twisted in guilt with every brutal comment. Being the world's precious baker boy appealed to his people pleaser tendencies more than he cared to admit, but he hated this. MC only ever treated others with kindness and respect. She had loved him better than he had ever been loved. And now she was being punished for his mistakes. Every doting comment he got from a stranger, every harsh criticism he saw about MC, made him more and more ashamed of that dreamboat facade.

Normally Bobby avoided interviews, but he couldn't stand by and watch the public defame his lass without saying anything. So he agreed to an interview, and vowed to make himself vulnerable in a way he failed to do for MC before.

He had been sick with nerves as we waited under the burning studio lights. He wanted to make sure he got it right, and that he didn't make things worse for MC. He had to resist every impulse to joke his way through the uncomfortable moments or to charm the viewers. He liked being liked, and the whole purpose of this interview was to undo that.

A blonde, heavily made up television host sat across from him, speaking directly to the camera giving some sort of introduction. Bobby's nervous energy was buzzing so loudly in his head that he barely registered when she shifted her attention to him. "Thank you for joining us, Bobby. There has been quite a bit of buzz about you and MC lately, and the public has been eager to hear your side of the story."

"Thank you for having me. I've been really astounded by the rumors going about lately, and I felt it was important that I say something." The words rushed out of him, too quickly.

"I'd say we've all been taken aback by this news. MC came off as very loyal during the Love Island show. The whole world was rooting for you two. When did you find out she was having an affair with Noah?"

"There was no affair between MC and Noah. Things didn't work out between us, but that's on me, not her."

The host gave him a pitying look. "Still rushing to her defense, I see. That's very big of you."

Bobby shook his head and waved his hand as though trying to reject her sympathy. "That's just it. She hasn't done anything that needs defending. I have. I failed her, not the other way around."

The host's eyes widened and she leaned forward in interest. "Are you saying you had an affair?"

"No...well" He took a deep breath. "You know, a few months ago I would have said, no. But in a sense I did. I mean, from MC's perspective, I may as well have."

"Interesting. Can you tell us more?"

Bobby hesitated, not sure how this sort of information would play out in the public eye. What kind of sound bite would they create from this? Oh fuck it. The time for protecting himself had passed. This wasn't about him.

"Another woman expressed feelings for me, and I put her needs before MC." His voice was shaky. He wanted to say enough so that there was no way they could paint him as the hero of this story. "And I ended up dating her shortly after the break up. Before anything happened between Noah and MC." He took a deep breath before continuing, his words more confident. "I can't stand to hear people trashing MC and spreading lies about her. She doesn't deserve it. I broke her heart and all she did was move on to someone who makes her happy. That's not a crime."

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