chapter three

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Jade's POV:

Leigh, Perrie, and Jesy have been acting strange the last two days, especially Perrie. I'm not sure what's gotten into them. Jesy and Leigh have been encouraging me to clean up and look nice tonight while Perrie has been ignoring me all together. I know she needs her time but I hate knowing she's going through this without me being there to help her. Finally a text snaps me out of my daydream.

"Anyone want to come to dinner?" Leigh had texted in our Little Mix group chat. Jesy answered almost immediately. "Sure, sounds good." I thought a minute before giving in. "Sure." Perrie responded quickly after I did. "I'm in." I look on Instagram and see if anyone's posted, mainly Jed. He hasn't texted or called me at all today or last night. Seeing as he's posted nothing new, I turn my phone off and walk over to my closet.

The girls and I were going out at six. It was almost five so I decided to start getting ready now. I flipped through my clothes before settling on a nice navy dress and some black heels. I put my hair half up half down with a clip and leaving it curly. I put on some makeup, not too glam but to wear it was noticeably there.

Jesy offered to pick me up on the way, so I waited by the front door until she texted me. When she pulled up, I walked outside to her car and climbed into the front seat. We talked about nothing for the first few minutes before bringing up something I debated. "Is Perrie okay?" I finally ask. "What do you mean?" she asks, confused at my question. "I don't know. It just feels like she's icing me out when I'm trying to comfort her," I say, feeling a little defeated. "This just might be her way of dealing with the breakup with Alex," she suggested. "Maybe," I said. I know Perrie way too well to know that this is not how she deals with heavy stuff. She was barely by herself when her and Zayn broke so how is this much different?

By then, we had arrived at the restaurant so I decided to drop the whole thing. Jesy and I walked inside and grabbed a table near the window. The host sat us down and handed us four menus. Leigh showed up a minute or two later and joined us across from me. Perrie wandered in a few minutes later, taking the seat next to me.

We ordered our food and started chatting. "So, are you excited for Je-, the show?" Perrie caught herself. I looked at her a little confused. I brushed it off and answered. "Yeah I guess. It's nothing big so I'm not too nervous," I say. "I can't wait for break," Leigh said. "Do you have any plans?" Jesy asked. "Yeah, Andre and I are thinking about going to Jamaica for a few weeks," she said smiling. "Ooh, that sounds nice," Perrie said. "Jed has the entire break off the same time as me so I think we're going to spend it together," I gush. "Aw," Jesy said. Perrie darted her eyes toward the floor, making me immediately regret what I said. I place my hand on her leg and rub it slightly as an apology but it almost seems to make her more uncomfortable.

Our food came and we chatted about our upcoming collabs we want to plan. "Okay, I'm out," Leigh said, standing up from the table. "Me too," Jesy said. "Me three," I said. Perrie stood up last, following the rest of us. We all walked outside but Jesy stopped making us all hold back. "Can I just say, I bloody love you girls," Jesy said. We all smiled and did a big group hug. While we were in the middle of the hug, I heard someone walk up behind us.

"Jade?" I heard a familiar voice say. I turn around confused and see Jed standing there with a huge bouquet of flowers. My jaw literally drops and I run up to him. We hugged for a while and I gave him a quick kiss before turning back around. Jesy had a big smile on her face, as well did Leigh and somewhat Perrie.

"Did you all know?" I ask. "Maybe," Leigh said laughing. "So you didn't mean all that Jesy. That was just a distraction?" I ask, pretending to be hurt. "It was, but I do really mean that," she said. I laugh and turn back around. "I'll see you two lovebirds later," I hear Jesy yell. I wave them all goodbye and walk Jed's car, hand-in-hand.

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