chapter twenty

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Jade's POV:

I brushed the fallen confetti off of me and felt someone hug me. Through the confetti and my tears I figured out it was Perrie hugging me. I nuzzled my face in her neck and felt her kiss my head.

Once we broke away, our lips connected and we smiled. I could see the excitement in her eyes, which warmed my heart. She saw the tears on my face and started wiping them away, also fighting back her own tears.

Leigh and Jesy ran over to us and crushed us in a big group hug. "Thank you girls," I said in a loud whisper. "Of course babe," Jesy answered smiling.

We broke away and everyone else came to congratulate us again. Our mams, family, the dancers. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Once everyone left, us girls were the only ones still there. "Did you want a boy?" Leigh asked. "I didn't care as long as it's healthy," I said smiling. "It'll be a mini Jed," Perrie says. I smile and feel the tears welling. To try and stop them, I look to my bump and begin rubbing it. "It's meant to be," I say quietly. Perrie must've heard me because she put her arm around me and kissed my cheek. I placed my head on her shoulder and relaxed into her touch.

Perrie rubbed my arm and slowly moved her hand to lay on my bump. She rubbed it softly and I felt something strange. I jerked up and Perrie jumped.

"You alright?" she asked concerned. "Yeah, I think I just felt the baby move," I said smiling. "Awe, what did it feel like?" Leigh asked. "Like little flutters," I said looking at Perrie. "Yay! He loves me," she said excitedly. "How could anyone not," I said. Perrie grinned and kissed me. "I could say the same for you," she said once we broke away.

"Get a room!" Jesy shouted in a funny accent and throwing one of the chair pillows at us. "Hey, you wanted Jerrie to happen," Perrie said throwing the pillow back. Jesy and Leigh both look to each other defeated.

Eventually all of us went home. Perrie is still basically living at my house so we went there. "What do you want to do baba?" Perrie asked as we walked inside.

I thought for a second while putting my bag down. "Can we maybe start looking at baby names?" I suggested. Perrie's face lit up. "Of course we can," she said with a smile.

"Any thoughts on what you want?" she asked sitting down on the couch. "Hmm, I guess something you can easily say and won't pronounce it wrong?" I said. Perrie nodded and began scrolling through names.

I scrolled through what must have been hundreds of names. Whenever we found one we liked we typed it into our notes. After about an hour of looking we stopped.

"Want to read out what you have?" I asked. "Sure," she said opening up her notes page.

"Liam, Noah, Jayden, Logan, Carson, and Declan," she read off. "I really like Logan," I said. Perrie smiled looking content with her searches. "What did you find?" she asked.

I look down at my notes and began reading mine off. "Ashton, Jet, Braxton, Max, and Braidy," I read. "Awe, Jet sounds like Jed," Perrie said sweetly. "It would be cute to name him something similar."

I smiled. "Are you sure you're okay with that?" I asked. "Babe, at the end of the day, it's your baby and your decision. All I'm having to do during the nine months is support you and I get to take care of a baby after," she says with a big smile. "Jed would've been honored you named your son after him. It'll be like he's still there to watch over him even though he's gone."

I felt the tears start running down my face. I embraced Perrie in a tight hug. "I love you so much," I said, my voice breaking due to the tears. "I love you too," I heard her say also with tears. We broke away and kissed, allowing our eyes to gaze off into each other after. Perrie pulled my head to rest against her chest and she placed her chin on top of my head. "Jet Logan it is," I said with a smile.

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