chapter twenty-four

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a/n: hey! i have a new story out called "falling again" if you're interested! if not, just ignore this lol

Jade's POV:

Today we had a doctor's appointment. It will be one of the last appointments before I have the baby, which is crazy to me. I picked out a nice dress, that fit around my bump nicely. I put on some light makeup and brushed my hair out.

"Ready babe?" Perrie asked, sticking her head in the doorway. "Yeah," I said. Perrie walked over and grabbed my hand, helping me out of the chair. "Thanks," I said. "Of course," she said. "You look stunning by the way." I smiled at her gave her a peck on the lips. "I could say the same to you," I said.

We drove to the doctor in a comfortable silence. Perrie in the driver's seat and me in the passenger. I rubbed my bump as I stared out the window. "You alright?" Perrie asked me. "Yeah, just a little nervous," I said. "What for?" she asked. "Just that something's wrong. I don't know, I get nervous every time," I said. "It's dumb."

Perrie quickly turned to look at me. "Babe, it's not dumb. It's sweet how much you care for the baby," she said rubbing my arm as she turned her attention back to the road.

We pulled into the parking lot of the doctor. Perrie came around the car to help me out. We walked hand-in-hand into the office and over to the front desk. We checked in and it wasn't long before they called us back.

"So how are you feeling?" the doctor asked as we walked in. "Really good actually. Just tired and my back's sore," I said. The doctor nodded and began to hook up the ultrasound machine. He placed the cool gel on my stomach and moved the wand around.

Suddenly the loud thumping sound filled the room. Even though I've heard it a few times. It still makes me tear up each time. Perrie squeezed my hand in an attempt to comfort me. "There he is," he said pointing on the screen. "Woah, he looks like a real baby," Perrie said.

"Yeah, since Jade is now seven months, the baby is almost fully developed," he said. "Wow," I got out. The doctor took a few pictures and then put away the machine. "Since you're pretty far along, I'm going to just take a couple of tests to make sure everything is good," he said. Perrie and I nodded.

He took my heart rate, blood pressure, reflexes, etc. When he was done he looked at his clipboard. "Okay, I am concerned about your blood pressure. It's a little higher than my liking," he said. "Okay," I said worried. "Is the baby okay?" The doctor nodded. "The baby is fine, however if your blood pressure continues to increase, it could harm the baby. I suggest you go on bedrest until you give birth," the doctor said. I nod at the doctor's words and Perrie rubs my arm.

When the appointment was finally over, Perrie and I walked back to the car. "What am I supposed to do?" I asked, a little panicked. "We have promo, interviews, performances, and a new album. I can't miss all that." I put my head in my hands, feeling a little defeated. "Well that certainly isn't helping your blood pressure," Perrie joked.

"Perrie," I said. "Sorry," she said apologetically. "Listen, it's okay. We'll postpone as many interviews and performances as we can. We can do them without you if we have to, the fans will understand." I nod my head. "Everything's going to work out," she said, pulling me into a hug.

When we got home, Perrie ordered me straight to bed. She brought me pillows and blankets and literally everything. "Perrie, you don't have to do all of this," I said as she brought me a plate of food. "No, but I want to. You're my princess," she said. I blushed at her comment as she kissed the top of my head and let the room.

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