whats the point in playing a game I've already lost.
What do you mean who am I?
With my white headphones I walk to the side
On the busy street filled with people who grin
Like a internal flame that forever is just burning me alive?
See all the kids, well with the time that they have left.
But isnt this all weird that we all are thinking the same?
You get to that point in the end where you don't remeber when you started
Why you started
Or even why your still playing
Anybody out there?
Sapphire and Ruby lights outside my house
Calling for a sadness that might exist out there somewhere
Within a multitude of us
Or at least some.
But then
With a face the size of a plastic tarp
A head the shape of a single picket fence
Arms the size of PVC pipe, 7 arms at that
It doesn't really matter what it looks like
A monster is a monster, right.
Don't worry tho.
Il save you
Its gonna be alright
Il always be your friend and be there for you.
Whats with that look?
Did I say something wrong?
Why are you staring at me like that haha?
Am I taking this too far?
Reality is what most of us spend our life hiding from everyday.
But what is it that your running from?
I keep stuttering and mumbling, so I hide to try and live my life.
I feel like people only see me for my family and I'm afraid that they think im stuck up, so I hide to try and live my life.
People gross me out. Im so scared that they will hurt me and break me, so I hide to try and live my life.
I absolutely fucking hate people. Im afraid that I will get to angry and end up killing some stupid fuck, so I hide to try and live my life.
What gives a person a identity? It is like something that they are born wi- way better thought. What makes someone have a certain mindset? I don't know... haha see If I did know then I wouldn't be hiding here like you.
How do I make people not lose interest in me? See I also wouldn't be hiding here if I knew that one as well. Maybe I should know some more stuff right?
Is "lonely" when you have no one to save you from yourself?
My Poem Dumpster
PoesieWelcome to the Poem Dumpster! The name pretty much explains it all. This is just going to be the place where I put some of the dozens of poems that I used to make instead of just deleting them. They aren't good, I already know that. I stopped doing...