Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V

I sighed laying on Ariana's hotel bed as she went to use the bathroom. I closed my eyes trying to relax my muscles even though I didn't really do any physical activity today my body was still sore."So tell me about yourself? I think the only thing I know about you is that you graduate from college this year and that your major is business." Ariana spoke walking out the bathroom before making her way towards the bed and sitting against the headboard causing me to sit up and grab her leg taking her heels off, "Well for starters my name is Y/N Y/L/N my favorite color is gray. My mom is still alive and kicking it. I have three sisters and three brothers. I have two stepbrothers and one step-sister. I major in business and marketing because I plan on opening my own bar as soon as I graduate. I currently own part of a bar called Dezi's. I am twenty-three I'm big on family. I think my biggest fear is not being able to become a wife and a mother. "I spoke spacing out looking at the floor. I felt Ariana's hand run up my arm as her legs rested over mine. "What made you want to own your own bar?" Ariana asked obviously not wanting to ask me anything that was going to make me uncomfortable which I appreciated greatly. I laughed quietly to myself, "I don't know. I just can remember when I was about ten my mom asked me what I wanted to be and do when I grew up. I told her I wanted to own my own bar. Oh man, the look on her face it's like she did a double-take. I think it took her completely off guard. She said don't tell anybody that. I thought she was mad but thinking back at it just imagine a ten-year-old telling you that she wanted to own her bar. A restaurant I would understand but a bar oh wow," I spoke falling back on the bed letting my hand rest behind my head. "What about you? Tell me about you?" I spoke turning my head to look at Ariana who was watching me closely. "You are not what I pinged you to be," Ariana spoke causing me to stare at her confused. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. When I first saw you smoking outside the venue I thought you were some dumbass that didn't care any about their health and just wanted to seem like some badass. What really got me is when you put your earphones in during my Q & A. I thought you did it to seem cool it wasn't until you got up because of your nosebleed that you seemed absolutely terrified and for some reason, I wanted to be there for you. I didn't know what made me kiss you or chase after you as soon as you ran off. I just knew I needed to get to you and make sure you were okay," Ariana spoke as she moved to straddle my stomach.

"When you first saw me you didn't freak out and ask for a picture or a hug or even an autograph. When I kissed you you didn't react the way I thought you would. There wasn't anything on the media of me kissing you. When I got you backstage passes you didn't freak out you thanked me and sat patiently and talked to my mother like you two where old friends." Ariana giggled before continuing. "You got the chance to watch my concert from side stage but didn't even stay until the end and didn't record any of it. You're just an in the moment person and I like it. I came to your apartment after the show and you didn't react you just sat and talked to everyone like you knew us and still nothing was posted on social media from you or any of your friends. You treat us like normal people. You haven't sold us to any tabloids or told anybody anything. You make it easy to trust you but then you tell me not to get attached and it just throws me off completely. " Ariana said clearly frustrated. "So you came back to see what secrets I was keeping?" I asked now irritated. I tried sitting up causing Ariana to grab my wrist pinning them beside my head. "No! I didn't come back to see what secrets you were keeping. I came back because I cannot stop thinking about you. I can't help but want to be close to you and I kinda missed you when I was away," Ariana spoke lightly loosening her grip on my wrist as she laid her head on my chest before letting go of them completely. I sighed wrapping my arms around her waist rubbing her back, "I think a nap is something needed." I mumbled causing Ariana to chuckle into my chest before nodding her head.

I wrapped my arms tightly around myself as I got out of the car and made my way towards my professor's room. It was the end of January and the weather was killing me. I always hated the cold fall was my favorite season. I hated winter. I sighed as I made my way into the building the heat taking over my body. I made my way towards the classroom knocking on the door, "Come in."

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