chapter one- wade

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Chapter One

Down in the pits, they call us fighters "demons". The title has never felt more fitting than it does at this very moment.

I wrap my knuckles as I climb down the creaking stairs into sublevel C of the abandoned warehouse building. It's such a cliche place for a business like this, but perfect. The ring they call Purgatory makes its home at the end of a long stretch of highway outside Los Angeles. We demons disappear inside the darkness to make a good buck.

I keep my head low as I make my way through the masses. My head pounds from the loud hollers of the people watching. It's not all men either— some of them are women who have seen their share of darkness, all missing teeth and throats made raspy by years of cigarettes and other addictions.

Ahead, the leader is rooted firmly in place. Like a king, he watches. He rules. He runs one of the biggest drug operations, which is what most of these people come for. He provides us as entertainment and sits on his throne to watch us kill each other. He is flanked by hellions, or rather, men just as brutal. He is Lucifer, or rather, Thomas Critt— if you know him on the outside.

I will bleed tonight.

I was nearly killed last night, and a few of my ribs are probably bruised. Jesus fuck, I'm even limping, but I can't show weakness. I have to fight. I need to fight. I need the cash. I have to do this, and I have to do it well.

"Wade!" Lucifer calls as they drag a bloodied, knocked-out kid from the ring. "So glad you could make it. Didn't think you'd be back so soon."

On the other end of it stands Titus, the infamous fighter who is always undefeated. I'm sure it's not his real name, but I couldn't care less. All I care about is winning this one.

He kicked my ass last night, which is why he laughs when he recognizes me. "Back for another round? Wasn't one enough for you?"

My fists are trembling, but it's not out of fear. It's pure anger, bloodlust, and everything in between. My gaze hardens on him, and I know that this could either be the first fight he loses, or the last one I ever have.

Beside Lucifer is the forbidden territory, the queen herself. Her eyes lock on mine for all of a second. There's sympathy in there, but she doesn't speak. She watches, as always. She's the devil's sister, the girl who is off-limits to anyone who doesn't want one of his bullets in their face.

She crosses her legs and purses her lips. Her calf rocks back and forth from the nerves. Her cheek is curved in, almost like she's gnawing on it. It's the only indication she's present. Most of the time, it's like she's somewhere else. Not here, anyway.

"Five hundred is on the line boys," Lucifer says, sadistically grinning. "Tell you what, Wade, if you live through this, I'll let you make a run for me so you don't leave empty-handed. Sound good?"

Go to hell. "Sure."

I square up, praying like the good Catholic boy in me knows I ought to. What I'm doing is probably a damnation worthy sin. I might as well pray. Who knows what comes after this.

"I'll take it easy on you kid," Titus jeers, trying to get under my skin. "You can back out of this."

"Wouldn't dream of it," I shout back over the crowd.

I'm stubborn as hell. I'm Wade Valdez, on the fast track to an early death with no regard for my safety, no regard for what might happen. I only care about one thing, and it's why I'm in a place like this in the first place.

"Then have at it, boys!" Lucifer's voice is full of twisted joy as he sits back in his chair with a beer in hand. "Try to make sure I don't have a body to hide after this."

To some, that might seem like an exaggeration. It's not. I've been on the clean-up crew before, and I know this is very, very real.

I land the first punch, but it's all I get. Within seconds, I'm overwhelmed by him. This man is easily twice my size and a hundred pounds heavier. I'm on the ground as he delivers blow after blow. My blood joins the endless puddles on the floor. Something cracks and my vision goes white.

I can hear more cheering, people screaming in delight. They keep telling him to kill me already and put me out of my misery.

My head lolls to the side and I start choking on the blood pouring from my nose into my mouth. The last thing I see before I pass out is the queen getting to her feet, and the last thing I hear is her voice as it cuts through the air like glass.


Her word is final. Everyone knows it. God help the soul who disrespects the queen.

After that, I'm gone.

So much for winning this one.


hi, everyone, meet wade valdez.

not gonna lie, i had the song i linked above on loop while writing this. y'all should check it out!

signing off,


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