chapter twenty- mia

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Chapter Twenty

I've gotten to a point where going to class is harder and harder. My mind is split between different places. While other kids are daydreaming about dorm rooms and college life, I'm thinking about drug deals and the legacy I would have if I were anything like my parents.

I have my phone in my lap, anxiously waiting for Wade to text me. A few days ago, he suggested we start sending each other messages every couple of hours to check in. We've barely seen each other, but that's probably because Thomas has us both on different schedules. It's probably working in our favor, though. If my brother even catches a whiff of the chemistry between us, he'll never let me out of his sight.

It's been almost a week since I last kissed Wade, and even longer since we were intimate. It was so freeing to be with him like that, and sometimes, I wonder if it actually happened. If I'm not careful, I'll start remembering his hands on me, moving together, the weight of his mouth in all the places he'd pressed his lips to. It's a filthy daydream to be having in math class, but I miss my boyfriend and I can't help it.

My phone never vibrates, but the door opening draws my attention away from my notes. The office aid walks in with a green slip in his grip, probably to call someone to the office. Surprisingly, it's me.

"Mia Critt," my teacher says, waving me over with his pudgy hand. "You have a doctor's appointment."

Thomas doesn't schedule me for check-ups often, if ever. I would know if I had a consultation today, but it's not like I can outright say I won't be going. Besides, it's an excuse to leave.

I grab my bag and the pass from his hand before heading down to the attendance center. I'm wishing I had my gun, just in case the bad feeling I have turns out to be warranted. It's not like I can bring it on school grounds, but it would be nice to have the security right now.

I open the door and step inside to sign in.

"What's your name?" the secretary asks, her hands hovering over her keyboard.

I give her my information, shifting the strap of my bag higher up on my shoulder.

"Your dad is here to pick you up," she says, pointing to the chairs on the other side of the room.

My dad is dead.

Anyone posing as my father must know my dad has been dead for a while now, and that his death was never reported to the authorities. Whoever it is knows too much about me for my liking.

I gulp when I see who she's gesturing to.

Romero. Romero is here at my school.

"Hey, darling," he says, laying the act on. "Are you ready to go?"

His arm wraps around my shoulders and I shudder. He's touching me. I hate that he's touching me. I hate that he's here. He tried to kill me and he's probably coming to finish the job. That's the only thing I can think of to explain his sudden appearance.

I clutch my phone, wondering if I could text Wade fast enough to get help. He's probably busy and won't see it anyway, but I'll do anything to feel less trapped.

Romero leans down, whispering so the woman can't hear us. "Valdez is outside in the car already. Just come with me."

Why the hell is Wade with him? What does he want?

There's no way I can make a break for it now. I would never leave Wade on his own with a dangerous man like Romero. Romero probably knows that, which is exactly why he dangled the information in front of me.

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