chapter fifteen- wade

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Chapter Fifteen

I can't tell if I'm grateful to not be on the other end of this conversation with Thomas Critt or if I wish it was me instead of Mia. As soon as she picks up, she winces. I hear his raised voice through the receiver and every word is clear.

"What happened?" he demands. "Why did I hear about a shootout at the same motel you were staying at?"

I have no idea how he found out so quickly, but that's Lucifer for you. He knows everything, probably from the sources he has all over the continent.

I rest my hand on Mia's knee, reassuring her.

"The deal didn't work out," she explains nervously. "Romero wanted more than we were willing to give. At first, it seemed civil, but he sent guys to kill us. We handled it."

"He always seemed greedy."

She agrees wordlessly, chewing her swollen bottom lip. I did that. Me. I'm lucky Thomas can't see her.

"How are you?" Lucifer asks.

"I'm fine," she says smoothly. "Wade and I were better shots than them. We're on our way home now."

"That prick better stay out of LA if he knows what's good for him," Thomas declares in a lethal voice. "No one fucks with my sister and gets away with it. I never would've sent you on this trip. Joining Purgatory is one thing but you could've died."

"I didn't die," she reminds him. "I took out two of them myself."

I can tell she's ashamed. She hates that it took an act of violence to save us. She hates that it came down to us or them.

"That's how a Critt does it." There's a note of pride in the statement. "That's how Mom and Dad raised us. They always knew we'd be running things."

I wonder how he doesn't see her hesitance. It's like he's completely oblivious. I'm not complaining, though. It's easier to fly under the radar that way.

"Yeah." It's all she says.

"Tell Wade to take you home right away," he orders. "How close are you?"

"An hour or two," she replies.

"See you then."

There's a click, and then the call is over.

She sets her cell down on the seat next to her and sighs. "At least he's not rushing to do anything rash."

"That's a good thing," I agree.

She tucks herself close to me, pressing her face into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly. As long as we're like this, I know for certain nothing can happen to her. I'm dreading the moment I have to leave her by herself.

"I don't want to see him," she declares with certainty.

"You don't have another choice," I observe.

I feel her grip my shirt tightly. "I know."

"It's only a few more months," I say, trying to cheer her up.

It's her own deadline. If she wasn't so set on graduating, I'd take her away now. For now, it's no different than how things have been for the last few years of her life. So long as nothing changes, there's no rush.

"At least I'll have a diploma," she says, still glum.

"That's more than I can say," I reply.

"You can always take your GED test one day when we're out," she suggests.

"One day," I echo. I'm not sure what good it'll do, but it could help me build a better future for her, for us. If that's the case, I'll do whatever she needs.

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