CEO ~ Ichiji x Reader

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Um, lol, no i didn't make this cuz i ran out of ideas

Eh, I'm doing this now, so requests are open so you better send me a lot since I have nothing to do, you people understand?

and pls add a context so i won't start from zero-

Anyways, just enjoy this.


Yea, just enjoy! <3


It's 4:00 am and Ichiji stayed up all night to finish his works. There were coffee cups and papers scattered across his desk as he laid passed out on his desk, burying his face in his arms, softly snoring. He is the eldest son of the Vinsmoke Family, a family who own one of the biggest companies in the world.

As the eldest son, he had to continue his father's work and become the CEO. So, here is he, already crowned as the CEO for a week and the works are already too much.

You had actually just walked into his room, noticing the mess he had make, you shook your head, sighing. You walked to him and shook him awake.

"Huh?" He jolted up, his eyes still half shut.

"You fell asleep at your desk again, Ichiji. Get in bed." You rubbed his back.

"I need to finish this, I only have seven pages left," he groaned.

"You can finish it in the morning. It's time to go to bed," you tried to convince him.

"Ugh, what time is it?" he rubbed his eyes.

"It's 4am. Now's time to rest."


"Ichiji Vinsmoke, as you wife I know what's good for you. And staying up all night isn't one of them," you blurted out. "Now you go to sleep."

"Fine," he agreed as he sighed. He stood and held out his hand, yawning. His blue eyes staring at you. "Come on."

You slightly smiled and took his hand, walking to the bedroom. He immediately rolled to bed as soon as he saw it. He lifted up the blanket for you and you slid into bed with him. He nuzzled to you, laying his head in the crook of your neck.

"You good there?" You played with his hair, chuckling at his childish behavior.

"Yeah, I always sleep better with you by my side," he murmured.

"How sweet. Now get some sleep, Ichiji." You kissed the top of his head.

A few minutes later you could hear him lightly snoring. You smiled. Maybe he could actually feel energized in the morning with you here.


Is it too short? Sorry.



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