we were just kids ~ Ichiji X Reader

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aye, sorry it took me some time but it is finally here xd

hope you enjoyy~ TheUnevenKB


You looked from the distance, Vinsmoke Ichiji, the boy who currently is your friend was training in the field with his soldiers in the field. He amazed you. How could a young boy like him- on the same age as you be that strong and smart at the same time. 

Your Mom said he was born different, just like his brothers. And you believed her. You snapped outta your thoughts when you hear you Mom calling you. "Y/N!"

You turned to her. "Yes, Mom?"

She giggled. "Why are you looking at Lord Ichiji?"

"It's just weird. I mean, how can he be that strong and smart?"

"I've told you why, Honey. Now come on, help me clean a room." She held out her hand and you reached for it, still staring at the boy.


"Oh, Y/N, the water we use to mop the floor is dirty already," your Mom said, staring at the bucket in front of her. "I'm going to replace it, okay?" She turned to you. You nodded. She smiled and with a huff, she brought the bucket out of the room to change the water.

Exhausted, you sat on one of the sofas there. You leaned to the sofa and closed your eyes. You never like it, staying here and be a slave for that creepy bastard 'till you die. You don't like it. Just, how could your Mom stay? That Vinsmoke Judge is just a mean and sick dude.

Your eyes shoot open when you hear the door being slammed. You saw two familiar boys walking in. Vinsmoke Niji and Vinsmoke Yonji. Ugh. You jumped off of the sofa and stood. "Lord Niji, Lord Yonji, I'm still cleaning this room, you shouldn't come in now."

"No, you weren't," Yonji shoot back. "I saw you sitting on that couch. You weren't cleaning anything."

"My Mom is-"

Niji kicked you, slamming you back to the sofa. "We don't wanna listen to your excuse. You weren't doing anything. You're useless."

Yonji laughed as he approached his brother. He leaned to you. "You heard him. You're useless," he said as he started to punched you, again and again. You tried to stand, you tried to fight back, but knowing they were way stronger than you, you just hope your Mom immediately come back.

But instead of your Mom. Your only friend here, the red haired boy, came in to the rescue, you could see how he was really shocked seeing you and he yelled to his brothers, making them stop attacking you. 

He walked to you and stood in front of you. He helped you to sit, knowing you couldn't stand now. He turned back to his brothers, face with rage. "Why did you do that?!" he yelled.

"Huh?" Niji raised an eyebrow. "Why are you-"

"If I saw any of you approaching Y/N or even trying to hurt Y/N again, you're dead." He turned back to you, ignoring the surprised look on his brothers' face. "Come on, follow me." He held out his hand, waiting for you to take it. You hesitantly took his hand and he led you out of the room.

This felt weird, you thought. You could feel your heart racing, especially when you realized that he was still holding your hand.


You stared at the red haired boy in front of you. His eyes show worry and affection. He was cleaning and patching up your bruises. "You shouldn't let them do this to you," he started. "You can always count on me."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2020 ⏰

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