War ~ Sanji X Reader

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Woooo! A request from my dear friend ADevineLight



You could hear the sound of explosion in the distance, a smile appeared on your lips. You raised your sword at the sky, your soldiers turned to you. "Gentlemen, we won!" you shouted. Excited shouts echoed the location as they raised their guns and swords to the sky, celebrating their victory.


"Get ready to attack other kingdom," you said to your generals, you pointed at one spot and turned to them. "Prepare your soldiers."

They nodded and saluted to you, but before they could walked out from the meeting room, a knock on the door stop them. "Come in," you ordered, rolling up the map. A soldier walked in and saluted you. "What is it?"

"A prince wanted to meet you." He bowed.

"Which prince?"

"Prince Sanji."

"Oh, that always losing team?"

"Ah, yes."

"Sure, let him in."

Your generals glanced at you and nodded as the soldier walked away to bring you Sanji, excusing themselves to walk out of the room. "On second thought, Alex stay here," you announced, putting the map back to its place. "No, it's not because I'm scared. You are always better in picking choices and doing what to do." You smiled, staring at the young brown haired man.

A small smile appeared on his lips as he bowed. "Thank you, Dame."

"Hey, I've told you to just call me Y/N," you protested, sitting on your chair. Alex chuckled and walked to you, standing next to you. "Thank you, Y/N."

Few seconds went by and the soldier came back followed by a blond man, he was wearing a white shirt and a red robe. "Dame, this is Prince Sanji," he said. You nodded at him and dismissed him, Sanji stood in front of the table.

"Well, why do you need me?" you asked, crossing your arms in front of you chest as you leaned back to your seat.

He stared at you. "The name's Sanji, I'm the delegation of Germa 66."

"Duh." You shrugged. "What do you want?"

"My family want to make a peace treaty."

"And why is that?" You raised an eyebrow. "You-"

"Our Kingdom always loses because we never take the war you're doing seriously, but now they wanted to attack you, so-"

"So what? You want to do peace treaty? You think my people are weak? You're underestimating my people."

"You are overestimating your people. They will kill literally everyone here. No matter how weak or strong, powerless or defenseless they are."

You stared at him with lazy eyes, his kingdom never won a war, or give a damn to them. You hummed, leaning forward and rested your head on your hand. "I dunno. Why do you even warn me about them?"

"They're monsters. Trust me, you don't want to mess with them." He took a step closer. Alex draw his sword as he gave death glare at Sanji, threatening him, signalling him to step back.

"...what do you think, Alex?" you turned to him, leaning back to your seat. Sanji's gaze turn to Alex, wishing to get the answer he hoped for.

"I've heard about them and their powers. They are strong. We should sent him out and think about it first, Y/N," he answered, glancing at you, sword still pointed at Sanji.

Sanji nodded his head. "I understand. I'll be waiting for the answer. And I do hope it won't disappoint me." He gave you a light bow and walked out of the room. You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck.

"We should agree to the peace treaty, don't we?" you asked, staring at Alex.

"I'm afraid so. We all know they're dangerous to fight with, our chance of winning is... low. And even though we win we probably will lost a lot of forces," he explained, drawing his sword back to the scabbard, as he looked back at you.

You nodded your head multiple times. "You're right. I'm going to go for a walk." You stood, walking past Alex as you walked to the door. "You handle the peace treaty," you ended before closing the door.

"Yes, Dame."


You waved your hands in front of the black haired boy in front of you, attempting to cheer him up, he was crying because you accidentally bumped to him and make him dropped the cake he was holding.

You gave him an awkward grin. "Come on. Boys don't cry," you murmured. "I mean, they do but you know what my point is. I can buy you a new one."

"I don't want a new one! I want that!" he shouted, pointing at the smudged cake on the dirt, while the other hand wiping the tears off of his face. "But now it's gone!"

"Ah, you know it, so why hope for it?" you asked back. "I can get you a new one, come on." You get up, finally standing after kneeling so you can easily talk to him. You grabbed his hand and pulled him but he refused to move. He cried and cried, people walking by was murmuring, looking and pointing at you. Some of them didn't know you were their leader because you rarely show your face to people but some knew.

You stopped, let out a low groan as you kneel back. You smiled. "Look, kid. The cake's gone, get over it. We can get a new one. I'll buy it for you. There's plenty of cakes in the bakery, you know."

He just started to cry louder as he yelled, "no, no!" again and again. You sighed, feeling helpless to handle this child. You rubbed your hands on your face.

"Did you make him cry?" a familiar voice asked. You looked up and saw the blond prince, Sanji.

You grinned slightly. "Do you know how to make a cake?"


"Damn, this is delicious!" you chirped as you ate the fourth piece of chocolate cake Sanji has just made, the kid was also enjoying the cake next to you. You giggled seeing the kid –now smiling-. "Do you like it?"

"I love it, thank you!" he said, grinning. You chuckled and glanced at Sanji, he smiled proudly.

"Of course you do," he said. "You can take as much as you want. I appreciate everyone who appreciate foods."

"Yay! Thank you, sir!"

"You know what, I'd actually appoint you to be my chef but you're a prince," you said, chuckling.

"I'm honored," he laughed, sitting in front of you. He stared at you as you put the last piece of cake into your mouth. "Why don't we cook together someday? You know, when all the war's over and..."

"There's no peace without war," you murmured. "But, sure! Someday." You grinned, earning a soft smile from him.



Here's one thing 'bout me. I'm not good at writing this short story kinda stuff, so, sorry the ending sucks 

I-I've tried I guess lmaoo :'D

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