is this trash? yes, it is

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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away- Oh, wait, wrong line. Once upon a time there lived a kinda messed up family sailing across the sea. Idk what they were doing, I probably missed it, forgot or didn't care enough to remember. 

It was the Vinsmoke Family, a brutal family that loves to kill, nobody like them, I mean, nobody like Judge, the leader of this cult. His sons are Vinsmoke Ichiji, the eldest brother, an arrogant, good-looking cold bastard who only care about himself.

The second son is Vinsmoke Niji. A weird handsome dude, he sometimes seemed too happy and sometimes seemed so stressed out he could literally die at the spot.

The third sin- son, is Sanji, a beautiful blond man who is great at cooking, better than us probably, I only can make fried egg and a bowl of noodle. But, this guy doesn't like to be a part of the fam so let's just ignore this one guy. (dont attack me)

The fourth son, probably the mistake, is Yonji Vinsmoke, a man with green hair, kinda look like Zoro. He loves to eat and just laughs at random, literally frickin random things.

And last but not least, the angel, our fave, the best of the best, Vinsmoke Reiju. A beautiful and kind woman who deserves the world, more than anything. She's perfect <3

"Ichiji, my bro," Reiju said, placing her hand on the arrogant man's shoulder. "It is time for you to marry a woman, a princess perhaps, but knowing you're single since you're a fetus, even if it's a man it's fine."

"Don't worry, I'm hella straight and I'm going to choose my own bride," Ichiji said, sighing. He glanced at his father who is creepily staring at them from his throne, clearly listening in to their conversations. 

He stared at Ichiji with the 'You-dont-choose-your-bride-as-long-as-i'm-alive-bitch-you're-under-my-control' look. 

Ichiji glared at him with the 'then-you-shall-die-mofo' look. Both looked away. 

Gorilla and blueberry suddenly burst into laughter, making their sister confused. Reiju furrowed her brows. "What- why are you laughing?" She put her hands on her head. "I am confusion."

Judge stood from his chair. "Ignore them, daughter. They're always the weird one," he said as he flee, literally flee outta the room through the window, flapping his arms as if they were wings. Seeing the weird phenomenon in front of their eyes only make them laugh harder, Gorilla even fell to the floor, rolling around, hands on his stomach.

Niji- I mean, Blueberry was wheezing, almost losing his life, I may add. The read-head bastard stood and pat Blueberry's back, but Blueberry still couldn't stop laughing, that is why he just shoved him to the floor and turned to Gorilla, when he saw his brother, his jaws drop.

Gorilla has literally turned into a gorilla. He turned to Reiju, confused. "What the fuck-"

Reiju shook her head, not understanding what is actually happening. "What should we do now, Bro?" Reiju glanced at Blueberry and he wasn't moving, she checks his pulse, artery, only to know that her brother is dead of laughter.

Reiju stood and looked down. "He's gone, Bro."

Ichiji nodded sadly, staring at the dead blueberry. "He's gone."


The hell did I just wrote-

I get the 'inspiration' when I was showering and, welp, this is so messed up, isn't it? Hope you enjoy, I guess XD

Did you laugh? C'mon, admit it, it's really weird and, um, cringy, but it does make me laugh one or two times lol.


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