Chapter 5

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"Cassandra, wake up dear."

Beneath the layer of dark hair, the girl slightly opened her eyes. Not open enough to see clearly, but just enough to see the figure before her.


She gasped, immediately shooting up and reached out to embrace her mother.



Her eyes opened.

She was sitting upfront just as she did when she tried to reach out for the figure, but nothing was there. She looked to her side, seeing the princesses and commoners still sleeping soundly.

She finally recalled being at a slumber party, plopping back down onto the soft mattresses, her hair going all over her face once more.


They stood on the steps of the palace, each princess waiting for a carriage to arrive. Luckily, the princesses had sort of grown attached to the two village girls who continued to ramble on as the rest smiled and giggled.

When Ruby and Jade had to leave, it was a surprise to Cassandra that they waved her goodbye. She looked behind her making sure they werent referring to anyone else before waving back. When the wooden carrier was no longer in view, she went back to her mannerisms, pulling on her gloves and fiddling with her hair.

"How was the sleepover, Sofia?" She turned her head to the King and Queen, or rather, Sofia's parents. Sofia jumped happily in response, telling her mother all about the event last night.

"Cassy, you're still here!" Hee face immediately brightened with tints of red after hearing the familiar voice. James happily ran over, a small box in his hands. The outer area looked soft and velvety, a piece of silver carved with the crest of Enchancia. "I brought you something to signify our friendship!"

He grabs her gloved hand, making Cassandra's heart beat all the more faster as he lays the box in her hand. "Open it!" He exclaimed excitedly. Her fingers moved over the box and it opened.

"James, I--o-oh..."

"Do you like it?"

If Cassandra had to be honest, she was expecting an incredibly intricate piece of jewelry, but apparently it was a homemade ring.

She smiled.

"You do like it!" James exclaimed as Cassandra couldnt help but giggle. He took the ring, grabbing her hand as if offering to put it on her. She blinked a few times before James reached out to remove the glove.


She pulled away, adjusting the cloth on her hands. "Y-you dont need to remove the gloves..." James didnt seem to think anything of it, and the homemade ring slid onto her finger.

"Princess Cassandra, correct?" She looked up at the King. Now that she saw him up close, his son definitely looked like him. "If I may ask, which kingdom are you from again?"

"You should know that, King Roland."

Everyone turned their heads to a young man standing in front of a carriage. The flag wore a purple flower which matched the orbs of the man. No one had seemed to notice his entrance, which was odd, but the fact that he could hear the conversation from the bottom of the staircase was odd enough.

He glanced at Cassandra, raising an eyebrow seeing the young Prince James put a ring on her. Cassandra pulled away, running down the stairs to hug her dear older brother.

The King looked at the flag and gulped, yet smiled with a warm and calm tone. "Ah, Acanthus? Then you must be Prince Marlon." Marlon looked like he was about to scoff, yet remained calm as well.

"You know of me but not of my sister? Odd, but understandable."

The Queen and the children watched the tensed conversation between the King of Enchancia and Crowned Prince of Acanthus. The conversation ended in a formal goodbye, yet left a bitter aftertaste in their auras.

As she sat in the carriage on the ride home, Cassandra smiled to herself, observing every little detail about the ring made for hee by the prince. It was...ugly, especially with all the deformed shapes and unreadable carvings, yet it somehow found its way into her heart.

Marlon was quiet. A little too quiet for Cassandra. He would usually ask about how her day went or talk about how his day went, yet it was completelt silent. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She decided to not question what she had yet to figure out.

((A/N : Hey guys!! I hoped you liked this chapter! I was SUPER DUPER excited to write this because we finally get to see some of Cassandra and Marlon's backstory!! Dont worry, more cute scenes with James will come >~<))

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