Jealous? Nah ♡

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                                                    Another 'peaceful' day in Ishigami Village..and when I mean peaceful I mean a day full of horrendus work and lots of shouting -_-

"Oi (Y/N)! Stop daydreaming and start working." Before I realized it Senku is already right in front of me and flicks my forehead.

"Ow! What did I do?!" I pull away from him rubbing my forehead.

"You're mind drifted to another world with who knows what and I had to yell at you for it to come back to the present aka today."

"Yeah but still!" I try to find an excuse but Senku was able to read what I was thinking.

"Yeah yeah, just help Kohaku out with finding the materials. Get back safe." Senku pats my head before returning to his lab.

"A-alright.." I felt the heat rising to my face and joins Kohaku to finding the materials Senku needed.

Kohaku and I were finding one last item before returning back to the village. While doing so Kohaku decides to start a small chat. It was fun until Kohaku asked this.

"(Y/N), how come you and Senku act like you're not even a couple?"

"H-Hm?! Well..Senku isn't very fond of you know..couple stuff." I never really minded it but hearing myself say those words made my insides stir up.

"That does sound like Senku..but what's the point of dating if he loves Science more than you?"

Ouch, that hurts like a lot.. I definetly felt that one shot through me..

Kohaku must have seen my reaction from what she said and starts to panick.

"I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to offend you I was just curious and-" I immediatley cut her off

"Kohaku it's don't need to apologize since what you said wete true.." I don't know why but this is making me feel even more sad..

"(Y/N).." Kohaku looked very worried and I was about to reassure her when her face suddenly beamed.

"Is something wrong Kohaku?" I ask confused on why her reaction changed so fast.

"I have an idea! But first, let's go find the last item that we need!" Kohaku then jumps on the trees searching for the last item.

"Wait Kohaku! You forgot me!" I chase after her carrying all the materials we've collected.

"Right!" Kohaku then stops to jump down the tree and waits for me to catch up to her.

For some reason when we got back from the Forest after putting the baskets down Kohaku immediatley goes to search for Gen.

Wonder what she wants from him..
Probably something about her "plan"  Something in me tells me to stop her but something is also telling me to just let it happen.

Why would you just let it happen (Y/N)?! I need to stop them before they do something stupid.. I then mentally slapped myself and went to find Gen and Kohaku.

But while doing so I bump into a certain handsome scientist.

"S-Senku! Hey there!" I greet him feeling my face go 50 shades of pink.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"O-Oh just looking for Kohaku and Gen..have you seen them?" I try my best to remain calm even though everything was totally falling apart.

"Yeah, here I'll join you with finding them." What?

"R-really?!" I didn't know what to say since he definetlt caught me by suprise.

"Yeah do you have a problem about it?"

"N-no not at all!! Let's go!" I say excitedly with a stupid grin on mg face.

"Sheesh calm down.." Senku says before holding my hand and leading us to Gen and Kohaku.

Few minutes later we see Gen by himself.

That's weird..I wonder where Kohaku went..

"(Y/N)-chan~" Gen runs up to us and suddenly hugs me.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?!" I immediatley pull away suprised from his stupid stunt.

"What are you talking about (Y/N)~ I'm just giving you a hug as a way to appreciate my love for you~" Gen then gets closer to me but then stopped.

I don't know why but I also stopped for a moment and we can definetly feel the dark haunting aura coming from..

"Senku-kun! Are you okay? You seem to be in a pretty bad mood~"
Gen continued what ever he's doing but this time you can definetly feel him getting a bit nervous from Senku.

I can't blame him..who knows what Senku can do when you piss him off..

"Yeah I'm fine." Senku doesn't say much and continues to glare at Gen.

Gen then faces me and mouths the words H E L P. I slowly shake my head and mouthed the words You did this to yourself. Gen must have understand what I said cause now the color from his face is slowly draining.

I suddenly feel something on my hand. I look over and see Senku interwind our hands and pulls me closer to him.

"Let's go (Y/N)." That's all Senku says before pulling me away from Gen. I take a look behind me and see Gen is giving me a thumbs up with his signature filthy smile on his face.

After a while Senku stops walking and faces me.

"Something's up." He blurts out

"H-huh?" I was caught suprised with him talking all of the sudden.

"The way Gen talked and all he sounded like he was up to something."

"Now that you think about it he did act weird earlier.." I nod in agreement.

"I'm sorry..I told Kohaku about you not being so affectionate and must have planned something with Gen.." I bow my head and sigh in defeat. Senku suddenly pulls me and hugs me tightly.

"Tell me next time, I'm not that great when it comes to stuff like this so..just tell me time." I look up and his looking away from me his face completely red. I don't know why but what Senku said made a lot happier.

"Oi wipe that stupid grin off your face." Senku complains and I ignore it and kiss him on the cheek and happily walk with him back to the Village.

(A/N): I'm so sorry if you're not satisfied with this AllenAkuma :<< I had to rush it because of school and all..I might do your request again someday but for now I'm so srryy!!

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