● Sick ●

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I'm inside the Laboratory helping Chrome and Senku with their new experiments when I hear Senku's loud coughs.

*COUGH**COUGH* He covers his mouth but it wasn't enough to stop the cough to be heard by Chrome and I inside the Laboratory.

"Do you want to rest for a moment Senku?" I come to him and pat his back to lessen the coughs.

"Thanks (Y/N), but I can handle a few coughs.." His voice sounded so raspy and hoarse you can barely understand what he was saying.

"Stop Senku you're definitely not okay! Just rest and let us do the rest of the work!" Chrome yells at Senku worried for the health of his friend.

"Yeah Senku, Chrome's right." I say to him by now he got both of us very worried for him.

"No it's fine-" Suddenly Senku's body goes limp, his body falls but I was close enough to catch his body. My eyes widen as I just realized how hot he is (Not that type of hot you pervs >:3).

"Chrome call help! We need to send him to the Village Clinic immediately!" I yell trying to remain calm but the worry for my lover was getting to me fast.

"Okay just wait!" Chrome then runs out to find help.

I take a look at Senku and his body was sweating non stop and looks like he must have gotten a fever. I then remember his sleepless nights just to finish his work.

Dang it Senku..I swear your passion for Science will be the one to kill you! I thought as I rest his head on my lap and tear a cloth from my clothes to wipe his sweat off

"Help is here!" Chrome comes back with some of the members of the Power Team.

"Quick! help me pick him up!" They easily took Senku and carry him to the Village's Clinic.

I was now beside the bed Senku's laying in. His sweating has stopped and his temperature has gotten down 'thank gosh.. '

The scene earlier kept repeating itself in my mind and I can't help but still worry for my scientist's health..

If only I realized his bad habits then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation we're in..

I mutter to myself when I suddenly feel a hand against mine. I look to see Senku has awaken and is staring at me with his red crimson eyes that are full with so much love.

"Stop blaming yourself. You did nothing wrong in fact, you should be blaming me for over working myself."


"Stop, just be quiet okay?" He tells me as his hand interwined with mine.

"Senku.." I let my body move on its own and went to Senku's bed and hug him tight.

For what it seems like eternity, all we did was stay silent and let ourselves feel comfort in each others arms.

"I love you (Y/N)" Senku says as he puts his chin on top of my head to hide the blush on his face and pulls my head closer to his chest.

"I love you too Senku" I had to admit I was a bit suprised he blurted that out of nowhere but then again..this man I call my boyfriend is full of suprises..

We look at each other again and as our faces get closer to one another we hear the door open loudly.

"SENKUUUUU" Taiju screams ready to run up to him and hug him tight but stops midtrack after seeing us cuddled together.

Our faces turn red and we stand there for atleast 30 seconds speechless and not knowing what to say in such a awkward situation.

Taiju was the first to break the silence and bows multiple times.


"Hey wait-"

Taiju cuts Senku off and runs off from the situation as fast as he could.

Senku and I were now all alone again and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.

"Are you ok? You sound like you're dying." Senku points out, his expression has now changed to his 'wtf' face but you can still see a tint of redness in it.

"Awww Senku! You're so adorable!" I ignore his insult about my laugh  and tease him for a moment.

"Shut up, it's already afternoon. Shouldn't you be feeding me dinner by now?" Senku teases back.

"You're right! I'll make you on right now!!" I get up but Senku holds me and stops me from sprinting out of the room.

"Just wanted to say thanks for worrying." I let myself fall for those red crimson eyes before saying back.

"You better not overwork yourself again." I tell him before giving him a quick peck on the cheek and get up.

"I'll try." I glare at him and he just chuckles and I leave to make his food feeling all giddy inside. ♡

Senku x Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now