26. Flash Back

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———————————Flash Back——————————

Silas POV

I'm sitting in the living room with Charlie going over the monthly statistics and I can hear Aurora arguing with Jordan. They don't argue much but when they do you better run. They are going back and fourth about the gender of the baby. Jordan says boy but Aurora says girl. It's cute hearing them bicker like that. I hear the door open and Aurora walks in shaking her head and laughing.

"It's going to be a girl, Jordan!" She turns around and yells back.

Faintly, you can hear Jordan disagree. He wants a nephew.

Trey and more of my men walk in loudly and our newer member comes up to me.

"So where's that hot chick you had in your room last night?" He asks

Aurora glances up and glares at me. She was at a friends all night. She starts stalking up to me and before I can even reassure her it was Tori, a hard slap meets my face. Instant silence among my men.

The new kid steps back with his jaw dropped, waiting for a reaction..because I may or may not have killed a female recently for fighting back.

I reach for Aurora and she smacks my hand away. I put my hand on my chest and take a deep breath. Just breathe dude. She's the love of your life, she's carrying your baby. Just relax. Don't react. Don't scare her. Don't hit her. Breathe. She's just confused. And probably hurt.

"Aurora, baby. Listen." I say softly

I take her hand in mine and press it to my lips.

"I love you, no one was here that wasn't supposed to be. He's talking about Tori. I promise you." I say gently

I notice tears escaping her eyes.

"Please don't cry baby. I would never do that to you. Please believe me." I beg

I hold my arms out to her, welcoming her into me.
She takes a step forward then buries her head in my chest as her hands go up and around my neck, interlocking behind me.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think, I just reacted...I'm so sorry." She cries

"Don't cry, it's okay." I assure her

Damn that actually hurt. Girls got an arm on her. She lets go and on her way out, her brothers give her a hug and she leaves. I turn towards the newbie.

"Firstly, What the fuck.?" I yell

"I'm sorry sir." He says backing up

"Look, you're new here. I get that. But don't you ever address me unless asked to. Also, that was my pregnant girlfriend. You will address her with respect as well. The girl you'd see coming out of my room was Tori, my little sister. Learn your place quickly, because you won't survive here if you don't. Am I clear?" I spit

"Yes sir." He nods

"Good, leave." I command.

I sit back down in my chair and run my fingers through my hair. What the hell just happened.

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