32. Less Than Ecstatic

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I get a phone call during my meeting. No surprise it's Slater. I knew he wouldn't be able to handle her. She's a pistol. But, she's my pistol. I take a deep breath wondering what she's done again.


"Silas, she is going nuts. She is screaming and throwing things and said she wants the girls."

"She needs space. It will be good for her. It won't be for long, maybe a week or two."

"Then you'll give me the plans that dad wanted to expand his business for?"

"Yes. But you better not lay a hand on her." I warn

"I won't."

"Oh, and don't leave her unsupervised, she will bolt."


Then silence. I hear Slater open the cabin door and call for Aurora. I don't hear anything.

"Uhhh..yeah bro she's gone."


"I know, I'm sorry. She's probably heading back to the house."

"That, or she's going to get suicidal and try to find out how to kill herself. You need to find her. NOW. Keep me updated and if she's not found soon, I'm coming to find her myself and you will not touch these plans." I threaten

"okay, okay. I'm going to look for her now."

I hang up. God dammit.



I slowly walk up to the waterfall. It's so beautiful. Though it's cold outside, the steam from the water is inviting. I see a path way leading to the top and start my journey. It's not long before I'm towering over the water. Hearing the water splashing into the bottom is relaxing. Just like a white noise. I hope the girls still fall asleep to their white noise. I look around and take in the view. Just beyond the clouds the city is seen. To my right I can see my house. I wonder what Silas is doing. Does he miss me? Is he sleeping with my therapist right now? Kissing her skin and making her moan the way he made me? Stop Aurora. He loves you. He sent you away to protect you and because you were acting crazy like this. I hear my name being called in the distance. Slater is looking for me. Unfortunately for him, He won't make it to me in time. I see him come out from the trees as I let myself plummet to my death.



I call Silas 2 hours later.

"Hey man. Has Aurora made it to you or the girls?"

"No, why?"

"I was afraid you would say that. I think you should come help me find her. I think she's going to kill herself."


He hung up. I hope that means he's rounding up the boys.

I call for her. No answer. An hour passes and no sign of her. Until I hear humming. I come out from the trees to see her standing on the edge of a rock above the waterfall.

"AURORA!! DON'T!" I yell

She jumps. She hits rocks all the way until her body hits the water. Just as I go to jump in after her, Silas and Jordan exit the woods. They glance at me right as I dive into the water. No luck. I can't find her. I go deeper and see her body stuck under a rock. She's unconscious. I pull her but to no avail, the rock is too heavy. I come to the surface and yell.


I feel the surface break with tension and see Silas in the water with me. He sees Aurora and the color drains from his face. We pull the rock and it doesn't move. We need more hands. I resurface and yell for Jordan to help. He jumps right in. Silas gets his arms under her and pulls on her as Jordan and I yank the rock. Finally, she is free and Silas gets her above the water. Jordan and I jump out and help Silas pull her out of the water. Instantly I start CPR. Silas drops down to his knees and rubs her arms and legs. Trying to get her blood flowing. As soon as she's warming up, blood starts dripping from her head and other places. Silas rips off his shirt and ties her off. I continue trying to breathe life into her.

"Please Aurora! Please wake up! I need you, Emery and Elle need you. I love you. Please wake up!" Silas cries

Tears start pooling down my face. I can't hold my sobs in anymore. I cry right along with him.

Then, coughing. Lots of coughing. It's Aurora. I flip her to her side as she pukes up water. Silas takes her into his arms and kisses her forehead rocking her.

"It's Okay, I'm here. You are safe. Everything is going to be okay." He sniffles.

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