Chapter 3

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I had no idea where school was going to be held so I headed to the lounge for breakfast. On my way to the lounge I ran into Hetbanna."Hetbanna is that you? " I asked uncertainty."Irama !" , she shouted as soon as she saw me. She ran to me and gave me a huge hug."Am I glad to see you. I have missed you so much ", she said when she pulled away. I laughed and said "I've missed you too Hetbanna "."Where are you heading? " I asked. Hetbanna smiled and said "I'm going to the lounge for breakfast. What about you? " I laughed again and said " I'm headed to the lounge for breakfast too. Do you want to walk the rest of the way there together? " She shrugged and said "Sure, why not." I started walking again and Hetbanna fell in step with me. We walked in silence for a few minutes. Hetbanna broke the silence by asking "When did you get here? " "Last night." I replied. Then I asked her  "How long have you been here? " She was quiet for a while as she thought. Finally, she sighed and said " I really don't know how long I've been here. Around two years at the most. I try not to think about it." I nodded my head slowly and said "It's just so much to take in all at once." Hetbanna sighed again and replied "I know what you mean but you'll get used to all this, " she waved her hand at everything around us, " just like I did." I sighed heavily and said "I hope so Hetbanna but I don't know if I will." "You will because I believe in you. You just need to try believe in yourself. Okay? " Hetbanna said as she smiled reassuringly."I'll try to believe in myself Hetbanna. We walked the rest of the way to the lounge in silence. We had arrived at the lounge door when Hetbanna suddenly turned to me and said "There's some people here that I want you to meet Irama. Are you willing to meet them?" I shrugged and said "Sure I'll be glad to meet some new people that will hopefully become my friends." Hetbanna smiled and said "That's the spirit." She started walking toward the farthest table from the door and I followed. When we reached the table Hetbanna greeted the people sitting at the table. There were two boys and a girl at the table. They all said hi when Hetbanna came over and greeted them. Hetbanna stood next to the table and introduced me saying "Irama this is Nived, Axela, and, Ryma. Nived, Axela, and, Ryma this is Irama." Hetbanna pointed to each of them when she said their name. I shyly said "Hi" and glanced at each person as Hetbanna pointed at them and said their names. Of the three Nived was the only one that caught my eye. He had golden-brown hair and lovely hazel eyes. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, sneakers, and a leather jacket. I immediately liked him. Hetbanna sat down on the seat next to Ryma. She then turned to him and kissed him on the cheek and said "Good morning my dearest prince." He smiled and said "Morning my princess" before kissing her back. Hetbanna turned back to me and patted the seat next to here while saying "Sit. We'll get breakfast in a minute." I sat down, leaned in, and whispered into Hetbanna's ear "Is Ryma your boyfriend?" Hetbanna grinned and nodded her head happily. I grinned back and quietly said "I'm so happy for you!" "Thanks" she whispered back. I turned my attention back to Nived and Axela. Nived had his arm around Axela and she had her head on his shoulder. I glanced between Hetbanna and Ryma and Nived and Axela and realized something."Nived and Axela must be dating" I thought. I sighed heavily. Hetbanna noticed and whispered to me "Are you okay?" I nodded my head and whispered back "Yeah. I just had a question." I hesitated. Hetbanna sighed and whispered " Go on I'll try to answer any questions that you have truthfully." I smiled and said "Thanks Hetbanna." "Your welcome. Now what's your question?", she replied."Are Nived and Axela dating?", I whispered. Hetbanna chuckled softly and said "That's what you wanted to ask?" "Yeah." "Yes Axela and Nived are dating. Axela is Ryma's twin sister and my second best friend." "Who's your first best friend?", I asked. Hetbanna rolled her eyes and said, "Why you're my best friend of course. Why do you ask such a question?" "I figured that you would have forgotten about me when you came here and now that I know that you're still alive I figured you had become best friends with someone else." I said. Hetbanna shook her head and said, "I wouldn't and couldn't forget you because you're pretty hard to forget Irama. And I've been your best friend since kindergarten." I smiled. Hetbanna smiled back. Ryma broke the silence by saying "Are you guys coming to get breakfast or are you not going to eat till lunch like someone I know?" He looked directly at Axela and Nived when he said this. Hetbanna laughed and said "Of course we're going to get breakfast. Why wouldn't you want to get the most important meal of the day?" Ryma shrugged and said "Don't know." Hetbanna stood up and smoothed the flower printed dress she was wearing before saying to me "Don't you dare run off. I'll be back with some food. Okay?" "Sounds good Hetbanna", I said, "Thanks for all you've done for me so far." "Anything for my best friend" she replied before slipping her arm through Ryma's and walking away. I watched them walk to the breakfast line. A second later Hetbanna came running back. She skidded to a stop in front of me and breathlessly asked, "What do you want to eat?" I thought for a minute before saying "I don't know and don't care what I eat as long as I eat." Hetbanna rolled her eyes and said "Okay Miss Picky. I'll get you a moldy bagel." before turning on her heel and walking away. I smiled and shook my head as I watched Hetbanna walk away."She's the bestest friend and girlfriend anyone could ask for." I thought as I watched her and Ryma talk while waiting in line. I rested my head on my hand and tried not to look at Axela and Nived but I risked one quick glance. What I saw made me look away quickly and blush. When I had glanced over I saw that Axela had fallen asleep and had her head on Nived's lap. But this wasn't what made me blush. Nived made me blush. When I had glanced over at him and Axela I found that he was staring at me intently like he couldn't figure out what to do with me. I subconsciously smoothed my hair and dress. I had my hair straightened and down and the dress I was wearing had been made by my great-aunt for my on my twelfth birthday. The dress was covered in all my favorite books and was my favorite color: lavender."What's wrong with how I look?" I wondered. I looked out the corner of my eye to see if Nived was still looking at me. He was. I looked away and breathed before turning around to stare right back at him. Nived smiled at me before leaning in and whispering "I like your dress." I must have looked shocked at what he said because he immediately said "Don't worry. It looks nice on you." "Thank you Nived", I said. He blushed a deep red and replied "You're welcome." Axela woke up right after he finished saying this. By the look that she gave me and Nived I realized she might have heard what Nived said to me about my dress and how I looked in it."You sleep good?", Nived asked Axela ounce he noticed that she was awake. She yawned slightly before saying "Yes I did." Axela then looked around and asked "Where did Hetbanna go?" "She went to get breakfast. I'm sure she will be back any minute", I said. Just as I finished saying this Ryma and Hetbanna came walking up to the table with our food."Ah Sleeping Beauty awakes. And you my love are lovely Rapunzel." Ryma said to Hetbanna. Hetbanna rolled her eyes as she sat down in her seat."Well what are you guys waiting for? Eat.", Ryma said. I smiled and decided that the days I was going to spend here were going to be interesting and fun with Ryma, Nived, Hetbanna, and Axela by my side. 

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