Judithe M'Haaren - A stern and proud Elvehn woman, mother to Nylaathria and wife to Taeral. Honours traditions to the best of her abilities and is shunned by the other Elvehn ladies of the court.
Nylaathria M'Haaren - Our innocent yet flawed storyteller, discovering her world of intrigue.
Vorna Achard - Nyla's boisterous sidekick, with a pursuit of rebellion that nobody can sway her from. (who inevitably gets what's coming to them.)
Keya Gwaelon - Vorna's ex girlfriend that can't accept they're finished, due to Vorna's consistent stringing along.
Olyver ?? - The quiet reserved sidekick who is somewhat plunged into this world, yet grows fond of it.
Therren ?? - The sidekick with a misunderstanding of the protagonists expectations of their 'arrangement'.
?? - A woman of perversion and wisdom, or so she believes.
Tiatrin - A younger member of the Verkai, a race of fawn inspired humanoids. One of the few people in that clan that can cast magic, and is therefore coddled by the clan.
Aukin - A large brutish man clad in armour and wielding a greatsword. Believes strongly in the notion of vengeance and has a hatred for the Verkai, due to his past.