Chapter 13

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Right after Alex ran out of the room:

"Alex! Alex!" Slade ran after her, catching her in the hall. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Alex said unconvincingly.

"It's funny you seem to think I'll believe that. How well do I know you?" Slade said.

"As well as I know you," Alex said. "I can't stand having to see her again. I just want to curl up into a ball and cry, until I'm just... gone. But I can't. I'm a mother. I can't just drown myself in grief."

"I know. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now, seeing her," Slade said, referring to past Kara.

"It's hard. I have to get through it though. I have to. To save Kara, I have to pretend like everything is okay when it's not! If this does work, who says we'll be the ones that feel the change. Maybe it'll be an alternate timeline. And that... crushes me, because we go through all this, and I don't even know if I'll get Kara back," Alex was crying at this point, something she never let anyone but Slade see.

"The only way we can get through this is if we believe we'll get Kara back," Slade said.

They sat there for a while, talking about cool things, not their feelings, and if you were to accuse them of such, one of them would shoot you. They were just resting against the wall, Alex against Slade, when Moira and Nora walked in.

"Hey, we're taking a break, I wanted to check on you. Are you okay Aunt Alex?" Moira asked. She was very close to Alex.

"Yeah, I'm fine Moira," Alex said, standing up. "Where's Rose?"

"I was right behind them," Rose said as she walked in. She walked over and hugged her mom.

"I didn't know you gave hugs anymore," Alex smiled, hugging her back.

"Don't tell anyone. Especially not Alura," Rose said, her voice slightly muffled.

"So, we're taking a break? In the middle of a video set? Why? Was it because of me?" Alex asked.

"No, Laurel freaked out after you left. I think she feels guilty," Nora said.

Meanwhile, after Laurel ran out of the room:

Laurel bolted out of the room, not even bothering to hide her tears. She ended up in a different hallway. There were a lot of hallways on this station. Great for crying in, and having motivational pep talks.

STAR Labs built it that way, in case multiple people needed pep talks. And Author no longer remembers where she was going with this.

Anyway, she was crying, not looking up as Malcolm came over to her.

"What's wrong?" Malcolm asked.

"It's my fault. I made Alex upset. Alex!" Laurel said.

"It's not your fault. There was no stopping that knife Laurel," Malcolm said.

"But I should have tried!! I should have done something!! Anything!! Anything to stop it!!" Laurel yelled/sobbed.

"Laurel, you did all you could. If you had tried to do more, you would be dead too and then where would we be?" Malcolm said.

"I guess you're right," Laurel said, standing up with him.

They left the Pep talk hallway, it having done its job.

They walked in the viewing room and saw a few of the kids running wild. They were bored, and had been left unsupervised. This was kind of the adult's fault.

The teens were watching, not trying to stop them. It was also their fault.

"OW!!" Rebecca screamed as she tripped and hit her head on one of the tables next to the couches. And being the mature 11-year-old she was, she started crying. Hey, that shit hurt.

Laurel sighed, going over to her, and walking her out. Alura was following after them apologizing profusely.

They came back a few minutes later and Rebecca ws back to her smiling mischevious self. "Dad! One of the robots tried to give me a pink bandaid, so I yelled at it!"

(There are robots in the future, there will be no arguing about this)

"Cool!" Malcolm said. "I mean not cool." He said as Laurel gave him a look. "That was irresponsible, I guess."

"Not being helpful here," Laurel glared at him.

"I mean, in her defense... pink," Malcolm said.

"Malcolm!" Laurel yelled.

"Don't do that again Rebecca," Malcolm said, before fist-bumping Rebecca as Laurel turned around to go get the people from the past.

They were all sitting down as Laurel turned on the next video.

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