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Summary: Draco comes back from Rome and goes the Hogwarts and the rest is to be told

Warning: smut & cursing

Harry POV 

Ok class, let's get started with the defense part in 'defense against the dark arts"

You start with a wand maneuver like this.*he rotates his wrist and flicks the wand in the air*

*bell rings*

Oh, that's it for today, I guess. Have a great day. Ugh, this day has been so slow. These kids don't understand how important this class is. I'm going to go and get some food and maybe go visit Ginny after lunch. 

Nobody POV 

Harry walks out of his classroom bumping into someone. He couldn't see because they knocked his glasses and they slid across the floor.

Harry POV 

Shit. My glasses...Where are they? I tap around on the floor to find them by my desk. I put them on to look at the tallish figure standing next to me waiting for a reaction. Holy shit. It's Draco fucking Malfoy, and he's kinda hot. I feel my cheeks turn a bit red. I look at him and say Hey Malfoy. 

Draco POV 

Oh shit, fuck, I hit him in the face. I stand there waiting for him to find his glasses and to see his reaction. I blush as he says my name, it's been so long since someone has called me by my last name since the last time I saw Potter. Fuck, I feel my pants getting tighter but it's not too noticeable. 

Harry POV 

Wait did I just say he was hot. Ginny is gonna be devastated. I just proposed to her. 

Malfoy POV

Harry, I came back to see you. I needed to talk to you.

Harry POV

Shit, I might have just got hard on the fact that he started talking in a deeper voice. Malfoy, I'm glad you-

Malfoy POV

I couldn't control it, I had to kiss him.

Nobody POV

Draco starts kissing Harry in the crook of his neck causing moans to slip out of Harry's mouth

You can tell Draco smirked because he found Harry's sweet spot. He left a trail of kisses and hickies down to harry's collar. He stopped to wait for approval from Harry (A.N. consent is key kiddos) to continue. Harry nods and Draco smirks. He starts to unbutton Harry's shirt. 

Harry POV

What the fuck is with Malfoy. Stop thinking and just do it.  

Draco POV 

He let me go further...wait...what. This is finally happening, I've been waiting for this moment since our last year here. 

Nobody POV

Harry starts to unbutton Draco's shirt when Draco puts his hand on Harry's chest. He says a quick spell and instantly both of them are in their boxers and socks. Draco mumbles "That does it, Potter"

Harry POV

"Malfoy, I thought you wanted this, I mean you kissed me first. Not saying I didn't like it, I like it. And you."

Draco POV

"Oh, Potter. I have wanted this to happen since our last year. I couldn't be happier right now, but Potter, you've been too good. Let's change that."

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