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"What the hell were you thinking yoi!?" Both Marco and Thatch were scolding Luffy, the youngest brother looking guilty for his actions. Luckily enough no one was majorly hurt, except for Sabo and Ace, both boys had hit their heads against the window of the car during it spinning of the road. The car in question was perfectly fine, just some dirt on the bumper.

You were in charge of making sure Sabo and Ace were fine while Luffy was getting the scolding of his life. Ace was lucky he just seemed to have a bloody nose from where he faceplanted on the window. You couldn't say the same for Sabo though, the poor boy looked very dazed and confused, his eyes weren't able to focuse on anything, and there was a sizeable lump on the back of his head.

"So can we still go hiking?" Luffy asked all you heard was a loud 'thwack' as he got hit over the head by both older brothers.

"Like we're going hiking aft-"

"Actually I wouldn't mind going still, it's not like we were gonna do anything else today." Ace said ctting off Thatch's ranting, the freckled boy grabbed another tissue and held it against his nose.

"Well I guess if everyone still wants to go. Sabo, (Y/N) do you still want to go hiking?" Thatch asked you two.

"Shihihi~ Yay! We get to go hiking!"

"Actually is there a town near by? Sabo needs to see a doctor." You cut off Luffy's happy cheering as he now looked extremely worried for his brother.

"Is he fine yoi?" Marco asked as he came to his brother's side taking in his dazed expression.

"I think he has a concussion," you told the brothers. You were letting Sabo lean on your shoulder, his arms still wrapped around you even after the car stopped spinning. Thatch got his car started back up and drove it out of the ditch and pulled along side you, Marco opened up the back door helping you get Sabo into the middle row so it'd be easier to get him out. Luffy was put to sit in the back -for obvious reasons- with Ace, Marco was sat in the passenger seat giving Thatch directions to the nearest town that had a hospital.

The nearest town was an hour away; an hour of Luffy constantly asking you if Sabo was okay which you asured him he was even if you weren't so sure yourself. Ace's nose swelled up and the skin around his eyes had started to turn a light purple, you were pretty sure his nose was broken. Sabo still hadn't let go of you, seems the blonde felt a need to protect you even though you were out of dangers way, it made for an uncomfortable drive as you tried to share the seat with him.

Finally a small hospital came into view. Thatch pulled along the curb infront of the hospital allowing you and Marco to guide Ace and Sabo into the lobby of the hospital while Thatch went to go park the car with Luffy. Your nose crinkled up as the strong smell of antiseptics hit you in the face, you hadn't been in a hospital in ages. The nice thing about this small town hospital was that there was barely any people in the waiting room.

Thank God. I think Sabo is about ready to pass out.

Marco went up to the front desk and let the nurse know what had happened, just in time too. Sabo had put all his weight on you causing you to fall over with the blonde, Marco and some nurses rushed over to the two of you, helping you up and taking Sabo to an examination room.

"Where are Sabo and Ace?" Thatch asked worriedly as he walked into the lobby, he had a firm grip on Luffy's upper arm.

"Sabo is in an examination room and Ace is getting an x-ray to see how bad the break in his nose is." You explained to the worried brother, he nodded his in response and went to sit with Luffy in the waiting room chairs, you plopped down in the chair next to Luffy.

The youngest brother looked like he was about to cry and you could understand why, he probably blamed himself for his brothers injuries. And even though it sorta was his fault, you and all his brothers knew he meant no harm by his actions.

"I-I'm *sniff* sorry," Luffy whined big fat tears spilling from his eyes. You pulled the young teen into your arms and rubbed soothing circles on his back as he cried into your neck.

"Hey it's alright, don't cry. Your brothers are gonna be just fine they're tough guys afterall," you reasurred Luffy, his crying getting softer. Thatch shot you an appreciative look, it could be quite hard to comfort Luffy sometimes.

Marco came back into the waiting room joining the three of you on the couch, he reached over you and ruffeld Luffy's hair. "Don't worry they'll be fine yoi."

"So how are those two doing?" Thatch asked his brother.

"Ace's nose is broken, he's getting it set back in place yoi. The doctor's concluded that Sabo has a concussion, but they're giving him an x-ray just to make sure," Marco repeated everything the doctor had told him. Luffy had stopped crying and was releaved to hear his brother would be alright, he pulled away from your neck a string of snot connecting from his nose to your neck making you cringe.

Thatch was nice enough and handed you some tissues from the waiting room table, you wiped all the snot up and made your way to the bathroom to wash your neck. As you were doing so tears started to stream from your eyes, you were so relieved to know Sabo was going to be alright; you had felt your heart sink into your butt when he passed out in the lobby.

After your cry, you went to join back up with the others. Ace was sitting with them a splint on his nose and sandwich in his mouth, seems he was feeling better.

"I see your feeling better." You chimed as you sat next to Ace, he nodded his head up and down the sandwich in his mouth loosing some of it's contents. Sabo was wheeld out of his examination room by a nurse, the male still looked slightly dazed but at least he was able to focuse his eyes now. The nurse explained Sabo's needed aftercare for his concussion and suggested you let the blonde rest at the cabin for the night before deciding to take the long drive home.

"Any of you guys understands those care insructions," Thatch asked to which all his brothers shook his head no while you nodded your head yes. "Great (Y/N) you get to take care of Sabo."

You didn't mind, you actually felt better about being the caretaker to the blonde. You knew how clumsy the brothers could be.

Plus who wouldn't want to play nurse to Sabo?

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