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You slipped into you black one piece swimsuit and threw a red t-shirt on before headed downstairs to meet the brothers by the back door, so the six of you could head over to the lake.

"Okay let's go," Thatch said as he saw you join the group. He led you all down a small dirt path that opened up to the sandy shore of the lake, you took the big blanket that the oldest brother had brought and layed it down in a spot that was half shaded by trees and half in the sun. You took off the red t-shirt you were wearing and started to apply sunscreen to your body.

"Hey Sabo can you get my back?" You asked as you held the bottle up to the blushing blonde, he grabbed it from you with shaking hands and nearly dropped it twice before he opened up the cap. He squirted some sunscreen onto his hands and rubbed them together, then gently started to apply some of the lotion to your back. You let in a sharp intake of breath as the cold lotion came into contact with your back.

"Sorry," Sabo mumbled. The blush on his face got worst as he got further down your back, the only one to notice this was Marco who was sat next to the two of you on the blanket. The older blonde was reading a book about phoenixes, but he soon put it aside when his little brother started to apply sunscreen to your back.

Sabo looked over at his brother and shot him a glare which falterd when you let out a small moan when he grazed your lower back. Marco was quick to grab his book and find somewhere else to sit. Being curious Sabo touched the same spot on your back again and again you let out a moan that you tried to supress.

"H-hey stop that," you squeked out as you pulled away from the shy boys touch. You turned around and gave him a semi serious glare.

"S-sorry sorry about that." Sabo apologized, he rubbed the rest of the sunscreen into his hands then put the bottle back into your bag. "Did you want to go for a swim or something?"

You could tell he was embarressed, you didn't mind what he was doing, you just didn't want to makeout with the boy in front of his brothers especially if he didn't like you.

Although making out with him right here right now wouldn't be so bad.

Currently Thatch was in the shallower end of the lake with Luffy just splashing around, Ace was not to far off from them skipping rocks and Marco was sitting on a rock reading his book. They alllooked like they were having great fun and you wanted to do the same with Sabo.

"Let's go swimming, last one in is a rotten egg!" You shouted as you sprinted towards the water, Sabo hot on you heels. Giggles left your lips as you managed to beat the blonde to the water, you were pretty sure he let you win. You made it knee deep into the lake before you felt muscular arms snake around your waist, Sabo lifted you over his head and placed you on his shoulders giving you a shoulder ride to the center of the lake. Once you two were deep enough Sabo dunked you into the cold lake, a squel left your lips as you went under.

You stayed under the for a minute, taking in the underwater scenery. The water was a beautiful crystal blue making it easy to see around, the lake was 15 feet at best and the bottom of it was covered in colourful pebbles. There was some seaweed hear and there, and you noticed some small fish popping out from behind them. Running out of air you returned to the surface and made sure to splash Sabo in the face.

"It's beautiful down there," you gasped out as you took in big breathes of air. You grabbed onto Sabo's shoulder not being able to tread that well, you were able to swim fine but the only way you were able to stay afloat properly was on your back. "We should collect some rocks, a few of them looked really pretty."

"Yeah? Okay let's see who can collect the most," Sabo said before taking in a big gulp of air and diving beneath the water. You took in a lungfull of air before following behind the blonde, you swam next to him and started looking through the various rock. You found a smooth glassy turquoise rock and swam back up to the surface to get a better look at it.

The rock was very smooth to the touch and had a hole going through the middle of it, maybe you would turn it into a necklace. Sabo came back up from the bottom of the lake, seems he could hold his breath for a while, he showed you a bright red rock that he had found it was sorta shaped like a flower peddle. Agian you grabbed onto his shoulder as you felt your legs start to get tired, the blonde wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you closer to himself to give you better support.

"What'd you find?" Sabo asked as he tucked his rock into his swim trunk's pocket, you let him look at you blue rock as you got a better grip on him, at this point you were semi hugging him. "This looks rea-"

Sabo's words got caught in his throat as he looked back at you, your faces so close you could feel his breath on your lips as he spoke. You looked into his blue eyes as he looked back into your (e/c) orbs, the tips of your ears were starting to burn. You took a quick glance down at Sabo's lips before you looked back into his eyes, you started to lean in closer, him doing the same. His lips just barely brushed against yours before you both heard Luffy yelling at you two, seems the young boy wanted to play beach volley ball with everyone. You and Sabo were fast to pull away from eachother, your faces bright red as you two swam back to shore.

Way to ruin the moment Luffy.

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