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Once it was dark enough you and Sabo headed out to go stargazing.

The two of you followed the path that led to the lake, after that Sabo showed you to a small field just beyond the lake.

"Is this like our first date?" You asked the blonde. Even with just the light of the flashlights you could see his cheeks darken a bit and a bead if sweat role down his forehead.

"I-I mean if this... if this isn't your idea of date, it doesn't have to be," the blonde mumbled out.

"Oh I definitely consider this a date, I was just making sure you did too." You admitted to your boyfriend,  a relieved sigh leaving his throat.

Sabo layed out the red knitted blanket he brought. He flopped down on the blanket, pulling you down so your head rested on his chest. You turned off your flashlights and gazed up at the stars.

"It's beautiful," you said breathlessly. The stars twinkled brightly in the night sky; you two were lucky that it was a cloudless night.

"Those stars don't got nothing on you," Sabo commented. You moved your head a little to look up at him, his blue eyes were focused on you, a loving smile graced his lips.

"Hmm your so cheesy," you giggled a smile spreading across your face as well. "But that's what I love about you."

"I love you too." Sabo smiled he pressed a kiss to your forehead then your lips.

"Hehe Sabo we came out here to look at stars not makeout," you teased. You kissed him again before looking up at the starry sky. "Oh look a shooting star. Make a wish."

"My wish has already come true." Sabo stated, his arm fighting around your waist a little. Pulling you closer into his warm body.

A content hum left your lips as you snuggled further into his warmth. Sabo's hand idly caressed up and down your back.

"Sabo why are you touching my butt?"

"Sorry. What's in your back pocket though?" He apologized as he settled his hand back down on your waist.

You sat up, Sabo getting up with you. You reached into your back pocket pulling out the necklace you had made.

"The stone you found at the lake. You made it into a really nice necklace. But why aren't you wearing it?" The blonde questioned you.

"Because it's for you," you replied booping him on the nose. His blue eyes widened as you put the necklace into his hands.

"For me? Thank you," Sabo said, he undid the clasp of the necklace and put it on his neck. The blue if the rock really made his blue eyes shine.

"It looks great on you just like I thought it would," you commented. You pulled Sabo into a hug, your head resting in the crook of his neck.

The two of you sat there for a while; Sabo's holding you as he rubbed your back, and you occasionally pressing kisses to his neck.

At some point you fell asleep, you woke back up to Sabo putting you in bed.

"Hmm what time is it?" You yawned as you took off your shoes and jacket. You slipped off your jeans as well, reaching under your sweater you unclasped your bra, slipping it out through your left sleeve.

"1:00 am, " Sabo replied, he watched you mildly impressed with your ability to take off your bra without taking off your shirt. You nodded in response and pulled the covers over yourself letting out a content sigh as you wrapped yourself up in the warm blanket.

Sabo joined you under the covers the heat from his body radiating off him and warming you. You rolled over and wrapped your legs and arms around him, trying to get as much warmth as you could.

"You're so cute. Goodnight," Sabo pecked a kiss to the top of your head.

"Not as cute as you~" you cooed tiredly, you pressed a kiss to his clothes covered chest. A small hum leaving his lips as you both drifted off to sleep.

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