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Prompt 24: "Patience... is not something I'm known for."

"Patience... is not something I'm known for."

"Honestly me neither."

Taaha looked up from the book he was reading, to see a hijabi girl sitting next to him on the ferry; he didn't realize he had read that line out loud. Or he just thought he said it quietly enough. 

The girl looked a little familiar. Maybe she was also enrolled in the third-year psychology lecture he was taking as his elective. He couldn't quite pinpoint where he had seen her. 

"I'm sorry, it's just..." Taaha lifted the book in his hand to indicate it was a line from there.

"Oh I know. Serpent of Sorrow right? she waited for an answer to her question, as the wind blew her floral hijab into her face. 

"Uh, yeah. I just started reading it a few days ago." Taaha cursed himself in his head. Why did he have to be so awkward.

The girl started to fangirl about the book, but then stopped mid-sentence to introduce herself. "I'm Aliyah by the way."

"Taaha." He extended his hand for a handshake, regretting the decision the second he did it. It was just out of habit, but he knew he shouldn't have done that. Of course she wasn't going to shake his hand for religious reasons, and he knew that. Stupid reflexes. He quickly drew back his hand, and stuck it in the pocket of his fall jacket. She smiled, trying to make it seem less awkward, but he could immediately tell he made her feel uncomfortable. Her eyes reflected the same reaction his sister's face would have shown when she was put into an awkward handshake situation too. 

"So sorry about that. What was were you just mentioning about Melvin's character?"

Bringing up the book again, immediately got rid of the tension. Aliyah started chatting about the novel--trying her best not to give away the ending--until the ferry arrived at their destination. 

"By the way, are you in PSYC3041 with Professor Moore?" she asked as they walked down the stairs to the lower level of the ferry.

"Yeah actually I am." Taaha smiled, finally being able to confirm where he'd seen Aliyah before.

"Cool, maybe I'll see you around then."


Autumn Vibes: Fictober 2019Where stories live. Discover now