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Prompt 28: "Enough! I heard enough."

"Enough!" I scream, cupping my hands over my ears trying to block out the sounds as much as I can. I've heard enough.

She grabs my face, her sharp fingernails digging into my cheeks. She wants information, but I don't have any. My older brother didn't tell me anything because he knew we would end up in this predicament. He knew I would tell them in a heartbeat to save his life. I think about the information they might want, but my lies aren't convincing enough. 

They don't torture me though. They know hearing my brother suffer in the other room is enough to kill me. I listen to the sharp sounds of a whip, and his blood-curdling screams that leak through the chamber's walls. 

"Please," I whisper, hands still cupped over my ears. The cement floor soaking in my tears. "Please, stop."

Autumn Vibes: Fictober 2019Where stories live. Discover now