The Little Orange Caged Bird

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I was drawn to her
The little, orange caged bird

With just an article and an old photograph
I was able to find that poor outcast

I tried and tried to gain her trust
But even after months, she shied away from my touch

Still I was drawn to her
The little orange caged bird

I loved her from afar the best I could
I didn't blame her for flinching the way a caged bird would

When you love someone you set them free
No matter how much you crave to hear them sing

So I took the little orange bird into the wild
I opened the cage, she looked at me and smiled

With a long sigh, I whispered softly, "Go little one. You're free."
She flew from her cage and up into the trees

After a moment of admiring her free, untamed spirit
I started to make my way back to the village

I walked on until the little orange bird stopped me dead in my tracks
Hovering in front of my face, urging me to turn back

I granted her wish, and she flew in front me
As if she had something she wanted me to see

It wasn't long until we reached a tall, tall pine
At her request, I began to climb

She flew with me every step of the way
Crazy how a little bird can keep your fears at bay

Once I reached the top, the little bird twirled
No wonder she wanted to be free, she wanted to see the world

I haven't been back to the village since that day
The little orange bird and I, we're seeing the world every which way

V. Rose

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