1: And here the story begins

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Run faster

Keep on going

Just stop

No, you'll get there

Just run

So tired

You're not tired



Just take a break

You need to go

No time for breaks

You'll find it

just keep on running

You can't go back now


Your dead anyway

Focus on running

Don't stop

You're by yourself now

It's just you and you only

if you care for others you'll only get hurt

Just like you hurt them?

They're better off without you

Just go back

Keep on going

Go faster

What if they find you


They want you dead


You've been running for hours just one little break


Why not they won't know


Don't listen to her go on

they'll forgive you

No, They'll Kill You

Shut up

I'm trying to help you

No, she wants to kill you

Listen to me

I'll help you

no, stop both of you

Keep on running

They're after you

No, they're not

they'll catch you

And then kill you

no, they won't find you

keep on going

Remember what they said if you come back

*wicked laughter from Kanashimi*

No, don't

It's best to forget

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