39 - Going meet the Easter Bunny With Mommy and Daddy

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Alena's POV:

What's up my peeps? I am already up with Mommy and in Mr. Tubby. Mommy says that today is really special because we're going to a place called a Mall, we're going see something call the Easter Bunny. Soon I was dried, dressed and was heading downstairs with Mommy for my yummy breakfast. "My Princess!" Daddy said excitedly, smiling and grabbing me from Mommy's arms adding. "You're getting so big!" "That she is! I can't believe that she's two months old as of today." Mommy said smiling and getting my bottle ready. "You look so pretty today Princess, that dress is perfect!" Daddy said holding me in the air. I love when people do this to me, it makes me smile. I'm wearing a pretty pink dress, with a white long sleave shirt underneath, some white baby leggings and white socks. "I know! I just love that cute headband!" Mommy said smiling and giving Daddy my bottle along with my bib, can't mess the dress. Yes Mommy I love the headband too! It's a white band with a cute little pink flower on the right side. Once breakfast was over we were getting ready to leave. Mommy was packing the dipper bag (I learned that's the name) while Daddy placed me in my carseat along with my horse. I travel with Horsey, sleep with Teddy and play with both. "Heyo my people!" Uncle Joe said smiling after just coming through the door. "Sorry Dani and Kev I told him to knock." Aunt Ashley apologized for Uncle Joe's actions. "That's alright Ash he always does that." Mommy told her smiling. "Yea he thinks that just cause he's my Brother he can just walk on in my house." Daddy said laughing. "That's right! I do have the right!" Uncle Joe said chuckling. "No you don't!" Aunt Ashley said. "So what are you guys up to on this beautiful Saturday in April?" Uncle Joe asked smiling and plopping down on the couch. "Well Dude I'm taking my family out, I'm bringing my Daughter to see the Easter Bunny. Something you don't have to worry about cause you don't have a little family of your own or kids." Daddy said rudely. "KEVIN!" Mommy fussed. "What's gotten into you? Huh?" "Nothing. It's just that he needs to just grow up a little." Daddy said. I smell something and it isn't my dipper, I think that there's a fight coming. "I AM! I'm getting married." Uncle Joe said angerly and wrapping a arm around Aunt Ashley adding. "Or have you forgotten?" "BOYS THAT'S ENOUGH!" Aunt Ashley and Mommy yells. Wow Aunt Ashley does have guts. 

"Joe, Ash, why don't you join us. WE would like that." Mommy said after Daddy and Uncle Joe had shut up. "Joe and I would like that very much. Wouldn't we Joenut?" Aunt Ashley said giving Uncle Joe a angry look. "Yea we would. We could even all take the Van." Uncle Joe said with a grin and very sarcastically I might say. "That's wonderful." Daddy said with a forced smile and hugging Mommy. Soon me and my carseat was being lefted and carried outside then placed inside the Van. I was sitting in the middle of Mommy and Daddy in the backseat, Uncle Joe was driving and Aunt Ashley was in the Passenger part. "So hows the house search coming?" Mommy asked. "Terrible." Uncle Joe answered. "We haven't found a thing here in Jersey." Aunt Ashley said. "Yea. So we're talking about moving to Dallas instead, Mom said that there's some nice houses there for sale." Uncle Joe explained. "Awe and we were so looking forward to having you here." Mommy said smiling then added. "But that sounds nice though." "Well that's alright cause we aren't staying here in Jersey much longer." Daddy told them. "Well yea we are looking for a bigger place in New York." Mommy explained. Wait WHAT! WE'RE DOING WHAT? I don't understand exactly what moving is but it doesn't sound good to me. We soon arrived at that place that we are going see that thing at. "We're here baby girl!" Mommy said smiling while getting me out of the Van. We all got inside the building, we started going inside different little stores. 

After the family done some shopping we then got in a long line. My Mommy gave me my pasy while we waited. The closer we got I could see some white fuzzy long ears sticking up. I don't know what that thing is but Mommy and Daddy want me to take a picture with THAT. Soon it was our turn to be with that monster. He tried grabbing me from Mommy, I don't think so. "WAHHHHHH WAHHHHHHHH!" "Well I guess that she's scared." Mommy said grabbing me back. Duh lady, what do you expect? You had a monster with white fuzz taking me from you. "Why don't we  all just take the picture together." Daddy suggested. Great idea Daddy. "Good idea Honey." Mommy said. So that's what we done. I just watched that creepy Easter Bunny  the whole time. Uncle Joe and Aunt Ashley wasn't scared, they took pictures with that creepy Bunny too. 

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