Getting to Know You

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“Two.” I glanced up from my bowl of cereal and met the chocolate brown eyes of Damion. I sat on his bed with my legs crossed in nothing but his T-shirt and my underwear. “Huh?” I ask.

He smiles at me, before reaching over to me and wiping milk off of my lips. “I have two sisters, two younger sisters.” I look up at him quizzically. “I thought you were an only child.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m an older brother. Our senior year of high school is when my youngest sister was born.” I nod before smiling; I can’t help but think of what they might be like. Then one thought suddenly struck me. Damion was the handsomest man I’d ever encountered, if he looks like an African Greek god then I could only imagined what his sisters must look like. My eyes grow wide in thought and he laughs. “What are you thinking about?”

I shake my head. I look at him beneath my lashes and I chuckle. I bet his whole family was beautiful. My family consisted of friendly country folk and overweight church goers. “Nothing, I just dazed off for a second.” He tilted his head and shrugged.

“What are your sister’s names?” I ask, eating a spoonful of cereal. He ran his fingers through my hair before responding. “Dalila and Diamond; Dalila is nine-teen and Diamond is eight.” I nod.

“Does your mom have a thing for the letter D? I mean, Damion, Dalila and Diamond…” He laughs, “I’m not sure, I’ll have to ask her that the next time I see her.” He runs his fingers across my cheek and stops at my lips. I look up at him.

As he leans towards me and I close my eyes, just as his lips brush mine his phone suddenly goes off. I jump in surprise which causes us to knock teeth. “Ow!” I pull back and grab at my front teeth. Damion does the same as he answers his phone. “Hello…What? No, I’m not. Well, I was going to come over tomorrow…”

I occupy myself with the rest of the cereal in my bowl, trying not to ease drop on his conversation. As I finished up the last spoonful and began to drink the milk I heard him sigh. “Alright, fine. No, put Dalila on the phone.” I quickly glance up at him when he mentions his sister’s name. “Diamond, don’t play with me…who are you talking to? You getting smart? Wait, till I come over there, I’m gone beat you!” I can’t help but laugh at him as he argues with his little sister. “Diamond put Dalila on the phone!” I slowly move across the bed and hop off. I grab the bowl and mouth ‘I’m going to put this in the sink.’ He nods, continuing his conversation.

I walk to the kitchen, sitting the bowl in the sink quietly. I sigh distractedly.

As I lean against the counter the events of last night play throughout my mind and I can’t help but wonder what we are. The conversation I had with my friends finds its way to my thoughts and I try to shake it off but I can’t seem to. I bite my bottom lip. Maybe I should ask him what am I to him…I shook my head at that thought. I head back towards the bedroom just as Damion curses, “Dalila! I can’t! I have something else going on right now…I have company. What? Okay! Fine.” As he hangs up he sighs before looking up at me.

I look at him curiously. “Today’s your lucky day.” He says with a grin. I raise an eyebrow. “What do you mean?” He mentions for me to come here and I slowly walk towards him. He wraps his arms around my waist, “Do you want to meet my sisters’?” My eyes grow wide, “What?” He laughs, “My mom said that I had to come home to see her this weekend. But I am not trying to suffer through my family alone.”  I blink, shocked at the sudden invitation, but curiosity peaks inside me at the opportunity to meet Damion’s family. “Sure, I guess, this sound’s like it could be fun.” He suddenly stands and then we’re kissing.

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