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Irene looked up at the three thugs infront of her.
"W-who are you?" She stuttered.

"Who we are don't matter." The one who spoke earlier said. "Now answer the question."

He was bald, wore a black over all all dark shades. His two buddies behind him were casual.

"And why would I tell you." Irene said as she stood up. "What business do you have with him?"

"An unfinished one." The guy growled.
"Now tell me where he is" He added impatiently.

From the corner of her eye she saw the man's fist clench with impatience.

Irene narrowed her eye at the men. Her left eye turned yellow with a white pupil. Reign: Devil's Eye.

Using the devil's eye, she saw the men's dark auras.
Why would these guys want to see the Red dragon?

"We better hurry up. The boss doesn't want to be kept waiting."

"Tell it her. This brat is wasting our time."

"Don't worry. If she doesn't spill, we'll just have to beat it out of her"

Irene's eyes widened in alarm. The thoughts of the men had flowed into hers.

They want to kill me?!

"I'm sorry, but--." Irene said with an innocent smile.

The thugs glared at her.

A dark grin appeared on her lips "I don't talk to strangers"

His eyes bulged with rage. "YOU WRETCH!!!"
He took off his shades revealing a huge scar on his right eye. His eyes glowed red and with a burst, huge lasers shot out at the girl.

Irene leapt out of the way before they could hit her.

The by passers around screamed in fright and started to flee from the place.

The lasers followed her as she dodged the attack leaping from one spot to the other.

"Bale. Cale. Get her!" The laser one ordered still firing the Red beams.
Bale and Cale nodded and disappeared.

A magic circle appeared in front of her before one of the beams could struck and absorbed it. She leapt into the air with the magic circle and it grew bigger.

Sparks of magic gathered at the center of the circle.

"Counter!" She yelled and hundreds of projectiles hurled at the thug and there was an explosion.

"Yes!" Irene smiled triumphantly at the spot the thug stood now enveloped in a thick billow of dust.

But the victory was short lived. Suddenly four metal chains launched at Irene and wrapped itself around her legs.

The cloud dispersed and there stood Bale and Cale holding the other ends of the chains and a badly bruised leader smirking.

Irene was dragged down towards them and caught by the neck by the leader.

"Got you" He said and a small green magic circle appeared at his left eye. It glowed and Irene stared at the bright glow at the center.



Reign is a magic which uses sight. The magic differs from other mages.. It is an ancient mage craft and examples are Devil's Eye and Trance.


Irene mumbled sleepily. She lay on the cold hard floor of a dark cell. Two men. One the dark shade overall thug and another in a magnificent royal cloak stood out the cell looking at Irene as she slept.

"To think we'd find her here" the grand-looking one said.

"She may look skinny but she's pretty strong boss" the thug said.

"What did you expect?"

The thug eyed his boss suspiciously.
"Do you know her boss?"

"No. But I do know what she can do." He smirked at the girl. "And she's gonna help me achieve my goal."

Who's the mysterious royal and what does he want with Irene?

He also seems interested with finding the Red Colored Dragon.

Let's find out in the new chapters coming up tomorrow

Thanks for reading.

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