Fate - Chapter 1

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I woke up to someone constantly poking my arm. I whacked the person on their head I think, but that didn't stop them. I whacked them again and FINALLY, they went away. I fell asleep again.

"ARGHHH". I woke up drenched in cold water and when I say cold I mean FREEZING.

"Why the hell would you do that for?" I yelled at the one and only D, which is short for Diamond Claire Brooks.

"You weren't waking up and I have something really exciting to tell you!"

"What is so important that you had to ruin my sleep?" I sighed.

"Remember I told you about that band, with the two guys. I GOT TICKETS TO THEIR CONCERT, AND NOT ONLY TICKETS, VIP!"

"Well done, now will you let me go to sleep?" I said, getting up from my wet bed to my couch.

"Aw hell Nah, I got 2 tickets, meaning you will be coming with me!" D yelled in my ear.

"Why would I go to a concert when I don't even know who these guys are. I mean you're not even telling me who they are."

"Oh well, the concert is in 3 days so I suggest you get ready." She exclaimed, walking out the room. 'This girl will be the death of me one day.' I thought.

As I couldn't sleep anymore, I got up from my couch and slowly walked into my bathroom. I looked in my mirror and saw my dark brown bird nest. Well isn't this a great way to wake up. Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Faith Rose Dylan. I am 23 years old. I have a youtube channel with Diamond and I sing a little too. Anyway, I should start getting ready. Today is Wednesday and I have to edit a video that D and I made yesterday for our channel. I am the one who actually bothers to edit the videos that we make because D is too lazy to do it.

It gets difficult sometimes doing youtube. We love making videos and making our subscribers happy but it does get tough. Not as much for Diamond but mainly for me. I suffer from anxiety and depression. I get panic and anxiety attacks quite a lot. I hate the fact that I do get them as I feel weak as I can't keep my emotions in control. But I guess that's what life is...

I brushed my teeth and washed my teeth. Then finally brushing the massive mess of hair. I had a shower yesterday night so I didn't need to take a shower. I got out of the bathroom and got changed into plain black skinny jeans, with a plain white shirt with black and white converses. I own a lot of black clothing. Or just dark clothes in general. I absolutely hate wearing bright clothes. I get called emo a lot due to what I wear, but it doesn't bother me. I'm a Scorpio so I guess it fits in. I went to my vanity table and took out my makeup. I don't wear much makeup due to the fact that I have really sensitive skin so I have to make sure what I put on isn't too heavy. I just put on some concealer under my eyes. Then powdered my face, I let it bake on my face while I did my mascara. When I was done, I brushed away the powder and that was it. A very simple makeup look.

I got out of my room to go to the kitchen. Sitting there was D munching on cereal.

"So who are these guys that you are so eager to meet?" I asked, grabbing an apple.

"They are these 2 amazing and hot like smoking hot guys and they sing and rap," D replied.

"Can you at least tell me the name of this 'amazing and smoking hot' group?" I asked.

"No, because I know you will search them up and make excuses for how you don't like their music. So no, I will not tell you. You will find out in three days." D said, putting her bowl in the dishwasher. I groaned.

"Whatever, I'm going to go edit." I threw my now finished apple in the bin and walked to our office. I edited our video and uploaded it.

After that, I just chilled in my room watching horror films because they are just fun to watch. Before I knew it, it was 8 pm. I went back downstairs to the kitchen to make something to eat for dinner. I saw a note on the kitchen counter. 'I've gone out with some friends for the night. I'll see you later on. D xx'

I sighed and took out ingredients to make myself some chicken pasta. After making it, I took a soda out of the fridge and enjoyed my food. I put my dishes in the dishwasher and walked back to my room, took off my makeup and fell asleep.


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