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Ean had to unlock each lock in the handcuffs more than once because Baseball Cap came down to check on the kerosene heater and the deranged man, who had fallen asleep at some point. He also gave Ean some water, and he roused the other man long enough to get some water into him.

After that, no one came down to check on them before Ean unlocked both locks in the handcuffs. He rubbed his sore wrists, and he turned to the other man.

Ean knew it would have been the right thing to bring the man with him, but with no idea how many people are out there or how to get out of there, it was too risky. He went to the man and untie his bonds, but then he took off the man’s coat, pants, and shoes and put them on to protect himself from the Winter chill.

Ean then crept up the steps as quietly as he could, and once he reached the top, he listened for any signs of life, hearing none. As far as he knew, there was no lock to worry about over the door, so he could only hope the cabin was clear of any people. He pressed both of his hands on the bottom of the door, and he slowly lifted it. The room was brighter than it had been in the basement, so he took a moment to let his eyes adjust to the light.

From his vantage point, he could see no one, but there was an entire side of the cabin he could not see. Ean moved as slowly as he could to be silent, and once he could see behind the trapdoor, he found Knit Cap sitting in the chair. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his eyes were closed.

There was a rifle leaning against his thigh.

Ean needed a rifle. If he would survive in a forest full of Merged and people who liked to kidnap others, then he would have to have a rifle with plenty of ammo. Going up to the guy while the weapon was in reach was dangerous, but he had no other choice.

He needed to get back home to Lorna.

Ean crept up to Knit Cap. The man showed no signs of waking as he approached him. He reached for the rifle, and he wrapped his fingers around the barrel.

There was a sharp pain in his temple, and Ean collapsed onto his side. He looked up in time to see the Knit Cap man standing over him. Ean had a hold of the gun, and while the man reached down to grab his arm, he kicked out his leg. It was not enough to knock the man over, but Ean rammed the butt of the rifle into his knee, which made a loud cracking sound at the impact.

Knit Cap cried in pain, and Ean swept his legs out again, knocking him onto his back. Ean decided that it would be better to be quiet. He punched the man in the knee as he scrambled to his hands and knees, and then he climbed over the man, pressing his knees into the man’s stomach.

The man’s eyes widened as Ean wrapped his hands around the man’s throat and pressed his thumbs into his throat. Knit Cap clawed at Ean’s face, but as long as he could keep his fingers out of his eyes, he was fine with the scratches.

Ean could count on all of his fingers and toes all the times he had watched a man’s face turned red and then purple. Most of those times he caused it, but there had been plenty of times when he had watched it happening to an ally while he could not do anything about it.

There were footsteps, and Ean turned to look.


Raggedy was rushing through the door, lifting his rifle and pointing it at him. He scowled at Ean.

“Put your hands up!”

Ean wanted to growl in aggravation, but he instead complied. Knit Cap coughed air into his lungs, but with Ean sitting on his stomach, he still had trouble breathing.

“Stand up! Get off him right now!”

Ean again complied, climbing to his feet. Knit Cap coughed again, and he rolled onto his side while clutching at his throat.

Raggedy approached him with the rifle raised.

“How the fuck did you get up here?” the guy who hated him said.

“It was easy,” Ean said. “You guys are morons.”

“Get the fuck back down into the basement!”

“Don’t kill him, Kyle,” Knit Cap said with a rough voice. “Withergate already promised to give a lot for him.”

“I know! I know! I’m just making sure his ass gets back into the basement.”

Ean stepped backward over the closed trapdoor. He looked at the guy to see what he wanted him to do.

“Open it and then get your ass back down there!”

Ean stooped to open the door, and then he descended the steps. The deranged man was still asleep, oblivious to everything around him and the fact that his clothes were missing.

Raggedy told him to get back to the pipe, and Ean complied. He crouched down, and Knit Cap came and handcuffed again.

“Now let’s give him the weird shit,” Raggedy said, grinning.

“No, this other guy was a pain in the ass,” Knit Cap argued.

“I don’t give a shit. Let’s make sure he doesn’t try anything again.”

Knit Cap sighed, but he made his way back up the stairs. He rubbed his sore neck along the way, and Ean had a hard time feeling guilty about it.

Emerge from Isolation (Whumptober 2019)Where stories live. Discover now