chapter 1 summer camp

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No one's p.o.v.
It was begging to fall to Dawn and izuku and his friends where running for their lives. One was killed already... how many more we're next? Izuku had finally caught up with the man that had stolen bakugou when all of a sudden he was touched on the back and then he started to feel sick and his vision was going blurry but he ran and grabbed bakugou out of the way pushing himself into the portal as he was turning into a child blood running down his face and mouth. Toga looked at the UA students "It was nice meeting you bakugou but.... we weren't really after you! We where after izu-kun! Haha have fun finding us before it's too late!" She evily grinned walking into the portal with her villain friends and helpers. "DAMN BASTARDS!" Bakugou shouted as the portal began to close.
At the base izuku p.o.v.
I woke up with blurred vision and my head throbbing when I attempted to stand up I immediately regretted it memories from childhood flooded my thoughts it was all I could think about besides the fact a seemed.... different somehow. As the memories had run their course I looked around and saw a mirror I was shocked at what I saw I was a...child again... I would guess around 4 and I also guessed my quirk was gone also because I couldn't use one for all. I also noticed my hair was in a pony tail when did my hair get so long.... I jumped at a sudden sound of a door opening it was the crazy blonde headed girl with the buns. Her eyes were crazed with a lust for murder which was why I was now scared for my life. She walked in and sat down on a chair legs crossed. "You're probably woundering why you're here aren't you izu-chan!" I looked her in the eyes and decided to respond to the girl "y-yes I am" she gave a somewhat comfronting smile. "You're here because our master wanted you he said you were... special..."  I looked down at the floor of course I guess he means that in a bad way. The girl got up from the chair she was sitting on and grabbed my small hand taking me into a dark creepy hallway. We stopped at a rusted door and opened in but didn't go in and told me too. I slowly walked in not wanting to go in. I put one knee down as the girl had told me to do. "Ah isn't izuku..finally I've been waiting years for you you are a special one... I want to give you a new life even a quirk... after all I will treat far better than anyone has in a long time since you're mother died..and you also want to be stronger,do you not?" I looked him in the eyes his offer was quite welcoming and was he telling the truth would he treat me better..or worse..... He then started to speak again. "But first I need to show you the life we have as a villain the good life of a villain...if you didn't already know heros aren't what they seem all might for example he didn't believe you were good enough until you got stronger a got a quirk and some heros only do hero things for the money,am I wrong?" I looked at him he was right heros only care about money but was he right about all might? I mean all might did say I couldn't be a hero without a quirk and should just give up on my dreams and become a cop was heart crushing...And he said he'd treat me far better than anyone has in along time since my mother died... No one stood up to me when kacchan no bakugou bullied one.... " So do you have an answer yet izuku?" He asked I thought about his question for a minute.... Then I gave him a Stern look and said " yes sir I would like to become a villain after all you have said" in the dark room my eyes glowed a bright blood lust red................

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