Where it starts.

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"Being here today, after everything I gained and lost, I can honestly say that the pain I had to endure would have killed most people" I laugh causing a few sniggers around me.

"For a start, I was in a car accident when I was only 17. I lost all function of my legs, I was highly depressed and I couldn't see a future for me anymore. My dear mother who couldn't be here with us today took care of me, she cleaned me, fed me even though I was capable to feed and clean myself. My husband..." I pause for a few seconds as I read over the next lines of my neatly written speech. It was weird, I had every bit of this speech memorised, but it was almost as if the next words that I was going to read were foreign to me.

I look up making eye contact with him. Those all too familiar eyes glistened with the lights that surrounded us making it almost impossible not to get lost in them. Those eyes: how many long nights I waited up hoping he would open them for a just a second, how long I had impatiently waited to see those eyes again. The proud smile on his face was contagious causing a smile of confidence to form on mine.

"For you to fully understand my story" I picked up the piece of paper In front of me and folded it in half. I placed it on the seat next to me and smiled at my family and friends one by one.

"I have to start from the beginning"

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