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At the age of seven cojo knows the street so well. he was very mature for is age. "Everyone knows cojo" the reason why is, he's always begging in the street. But cojo was only begging for coins. Cojo knows that when he ask for coins it will easily given to him and Some person would show sympathy and give more than coins.

Some person would say he's taking it for granted. The only reason why he's always begging is because he don't have much choice.

He's to young for a job and most person scorn him because of is poor image.

Cojo is in the street every night begging, it's like a job for him.

Some person would be scaried of cojo by looking in is eyes. Cojo eyes look demonic most of the times especially when he looks at you, it makes you want to run. So they give him whatever he demanded for.

When cojo makes is approach to a person he ask politely for what he want and if he don't get the answer that he needed he will ask again, he only ask twice; then he started to steer in your eyes for a very long time then slowly shake is head up and down while biting is bottom lip then turn is head slowly then walk away.

Most times person will give what they have especially females when they get the steer at. Some male find it very offensive and curse alot of bad words and want to fight. When ever times it reach to the part to fight cojo run and laugh out loud. And says word to hurt the person feel to get chase.

That's what he love, to get chase, it bring a chill to is spine wherever is heart beats for action.

"That's cojo he don't know what fair is" the bigger the sweeter, the sweeter the merrier. thats what he says at times

Cojo is seeing as a threat to most person because of is dirty rude attitude; he is to ambitious, to brave, annoying most of the times and can be very disrespectful at times. So he's being hated to most persons.

Who knows and understand cojo can say that he's very helpful, to kind, joke around to much and can be rude at times.

He those not have to much happiness inside so the street gives him is joy at night. All the bad names and cursing at him makes he feel special because he's being recognize and it thosn't matter if it was love or hate he knows that persons knows is name.

But it's not the same at school,
He sleep alot in class and find school boring and stressful and always getting in fight.

Most times he's being teasing at.

whenever time that happen he'll start a fight. most of the times he's the one that lose.

He hated school for many of reason.
Clothed was not up to date
* Stain was on is uniform
* He was not smelling clean most times
* He only have three uniforms for the week.
He's always being punish because
* He's always late for class
* He never do his home work
* Always sleeping and fighting
* Always saying indecent language in class
And he's at the back of the class
*everyone always picking on him
*when ever time he is sleeping paper
cigar was put in is mouth
*he's always laughing at and alot more.

There was a day at school when cojo was sleeping in class someone pin a tail on is back of is belt while he was sleeping; is face was drawing on with red paint and paper cigarette was made on put inside of is mouth while it was lighted.

While he was sleeping he feel a warm firey heat in is face, he wake in shock, he notice that there was a paper light in is mouth. He use is index finger with is thumb and take the paper out of is mouth

"that looks like a paper cigarette"

he puff it one time and then pitch it away then he ask a question; no one answer the question everyone was laughing at him. he look around in the class room and see a person that was laughing the hardest and making it a bigger joke than how it is as if he was the class clown. Cojo walk over to the person, the person get out of is desk and stand face to face with cojo; cojo fold is right fingers as tight as possible and punch the person in is mouth and nose at the same time.

With one punch the person was knowout
cold, mouth and nose was bleeding cojo walk over the person while he was laying on the ground then he walk out of the class like nothing happen.

He was knowout less then one minute.

The class get extra loud when cojo punch is classmate and walk out of class while there was no teacher teaching at the time.

The class room that cojo is in have 56 student inside of it and he sit at the back of the class room at the right hand side "right back" next to the window.

Is teacher miss longsum always taking break at times when ever time she's teaching. so most of the time when she is out the students get very loud and noisy.

A class of fifty six study is very hard to manage so miss longsum gives sweets to is student so they can keep up there grade in class.

But cojo don't crave for sweets and he don't have much interest in miss longsum class either.

Cojo mother give what she can to cojo so he can go to school and she make sure that he's going to school even though she give to cojo she don't know how he manage throughout the day.

"Denis is stepfather" is the one that make the perparation for the kids to go to school he's the one that makes breakfast, wakes them on time for school, iron there clothes and most of all he is there motivator.

He's always telling them that the greatest thing a poor person could ever have is a good education, it's better than silver and gold.

Having a good education can make you receive more that diamond and gold. It will stay with you for a life time.

Cojo is a person that is hard to be convince he think that he can buy is way through heaven, feeling that money can earn him respect.

At the age of seven cojo have a lot of experience of the street. The street made him who he is, lot of disappointed and dishonesty made him smart and brave and talk with confident.

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