Queen of Mean

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(Post Execution)

Athanasia had always been longing for her father's love. Ever since she met him at the garden when she was nine years old. She's been longing for her father to look at her with gentle and loving eyes. But that never happened. Instead, SHE was the one who was gazed at with love by HER father. Jeannette. The name of the girl who took everything that she wanted from her.

After all, all Athanasia wanted was her father's love. She have always followed their rules. She behaved and never asked for anything other than her father's love. That's all she ever wanted. The love of a parent. She's always the one who gives way to others. She's always been looked down upon and taken advantage of since she is not loved by her father.

Father, huh? That was always in her mind ever since she got sentence to prison. After all, she was accused of trying to poison Jeanette. That of which she would never do. Jeannette has always been the friend and sister she had always wanted. She finally received love from someone other than Lilian. And she will never do something that will make her lose someone she loves dearly.

But they didn't believe her at all. She was sentenced to death. She was hanged. She died. And no one even cared. All they cared about was Jeannette. Jeannette this and Jeannette that. Always Jeannette. Never Athanasia.

But, why? Why did she suddenly woke up in someone's bed? Didn't she die after being hanged? Athanasia was startled when someone suddenly spoke up.

"You're finally awake." The person said. Athanasia stared at the blacked haired male in confusion. "H-how...am I alive?" Athanasia asked. The boy stared at her with a blank expression on his face. "I used magic to make it seemed like you were dead during your "execution" and then I took your body from those people who sent to bury you and brought you here." The boy explained, his ruby red eyes looking at her with a glint of amusement. Athanasia stared at him dumbfounded.

"Why did you save me?" She asked him with a soft voice. The boy went near her and looked her directly at her jewelled blue eyes. "Because you deserved better." He replied. Tears welled up on her eyes when she heard his response. This person...someone actually cared for her? "Why? Why do you care about me?" Athanasia asked, not believing that someone actually cared for her.

The boy just smiled at her. "Well, that is for me to know and you to find out. Come on, you must be hungry." The boy told her. Athanasia froze. Did...the boy just tease her? Athanasia then wiped her unshed tears then smiled weakly. 'This is enough.' That's what she thought before following the said boy.

"Wait!" Athanasia called out to him. "Hmmm?" The boy looked back at her. "What's your name?" She asked. The smirked at her then replied, "Lucas."


It's been months since her 'execution'. And it's been months since she's been living with Lucas. The two of them got close through the months they've been together and Athanasia finally felt happy for once in her life.

But one faithful day, "Athanasia. I have to tell you something." Lucas' statement caught the said blonde girl's attention. "Yes?" Athanasia asked. "I won't be around for a while. I'm going on trip." Lucas replied. Athanasia was startled. "H-how long will you be gone? Where are you going?" Athanasia asked calmly, trying hide her fear of being left alone.

"Just for a couple of months or so. I'm just going to the world tree. Don't worry. I'll come back. After all, you are living in my house." Lucas said, with a hint of humour in his response. Athanasia let out a sigh of relief. Then she smiled at him, sadly. "I wish you luck. Travel safe." Athanasia told him. Lucas smiled and patted her head. Then, Athanasia did something he didn't expect her to do. She hugged him. He, of course, reluctantly hugged back since he isn't the best person to react when hugged so suddenly. A few more seconds lasted before they both parted away from each other.

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