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"You want to see a movie? With me?" Kirino said, confused.

"That's what I said isn't it." Shindou shrugged, "Is tomorrow good? I don't wanna waste the tickets."

"Why did you even buy more than one?"

"Well, I was planning on going with Ibuki but I can't because he's too serious about this 'break' and it's ruined nearly all my plans-"

"Wait, you're on a break?"



"To 'think about things'." Shindou answered him vaguely.

"Oh. So tomorrow?" Kirino said, changing the subject quickly before it got awkward.

"What's tomorrow?" Tenma stopped walking to listen in.

"We're going to see a movie."

"That sounds fun. Can Tsurugi and I come?"

Kirino groaned. As great as Tenma and Tsurugi were, they were the worst company at the movies. They usually never watched the movie and instead ended up talking really loudly or making out for more than half the movie.

"Sure, but you're gonna watch the movie this time."

Tenma scoffs, "What are you talking about, I always watch the movie!"

This time it was Shindou's turn to scoff. "Tomorrow, 6pm."

Kirino smiled, tomorrow was going to be fun. It was the first time in ages that he and Shindou would be able to hang out since all the mess that'd happened before. He wasn't going to let his feelings get in the way of him having a good time with his best friends.


"Look guys, they're re-screening 'The Notebook'! Should we watch it?" Tenma said, clinging onto Tsurugi's arm like it was a lifeline.

Romance movies. They were Kirino's worst genre of movies. He felt they portrayed false views of how love actually worked and as a result, he refused to watch them. And as unreasonable as his reasoning was, he stuck by it. "Relax, they're literally just movies." Shindou always said to him whenever he went on one of his rants. It seemed like so long ago that they'd sneak off to the movies after telling their parents they were going to be 'studying'. And after 'educating' themselves with the latest action movie in the cinema, they'd get ice cream at the parlor just a five minutes walk away from Kirino's house. Remembering it all seemed nostalgic in Kirino's head, considering how much things had changed and how awkward it'd been to even speak to Shindou recently.

"Guys can we watch something else, anything but this." Kirino said, stuffing his hands in his pockets to warm them up. Around this time, it was always unnaturally cold. Kirino blamed his sensitivity to the cold, his mother, on the other hand, blamed global warming.

After much arguing, the group finally settled on 'Toy Story 4' because of the nostalgia. They paid for their tickets and walked into the movie. The minute they sat down, Tenma and Tsurugi opened their bags, revealing the multiple snacks and bags of popcorn they'd been able to sneak in. In the dim light of the cinema, they could see people giving them disapproving looks as they unintentionally, but noisily, handed out the snacks.

Kirino had to admit, they'd picked the right movie, it'd been almost ten years since he'd watched the adventures of Buzz and Woody, and the nostalgia he felt was unlike any other.

Around twenty minutes into the movie, Shindou moved to a seat closer to his.

"They're making out over there, I can't hear a thing." He'd said, looking thoroughly disgruntled.

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