f o u r t e e n

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I'll update regularly until I'm done with this book.

"Chin up, Ranmaruu, you're no fun to tease when you look all gloomy like that." Kariya said, pouting at Kirino, who'd been down ever since Shindou disappeared. For Kariya, using Kirino's first name was always a way to tease him and Kirino had grown so accustomed to it that it didn't bother him anymore.

When Kirino didn't reply, Kariya sighed. "You're a mess, Ranmaru." He rolled off his bed and put a hand on Kirino's cheek and turned his face towards his own, eyeing him like a doctor checking up on a patient. "You haven't been sleeping, your pretty eyes look tired." He said, a small smirk on his face.

"Kariya, I'm not in the mood." Kirino said, pulling away from him.

"Boy troubles?" Kariya said, rolling back onto his bed again.

"What— no! Well, maybe- yes. It's complicated."

"Let me guess, little Ranmaru doesn't want to talk about it."

"Can you not go a day without teasing me?"

"Oh please, I make out time in my busy schedule specially for this moment. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Besides, it's a lot easier to tease you since you're such a doormat."

"Nice to know." Kirino said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Aww, Ranmaru, I hope I'm not irritating you?" Kariya cooed.

"Not in the slightest. I actually like it when you're here, it's almost comforting even though you never stop talking." Kirino said truthfully, leaning back onto Kariya's bed frame.

Kariya's teasing smile faded and was replaced by the faintest blush. In truth, it pained him to see Kirino look so down, especially when it was over someone he saw as a rival for Kirino's affection.

"Hey Ranmaru, why don't you just forget about him?" Kariya suggested as if it were the easiest thing to do.

Kirino looked at him incredulously, "And just how am I supposed to do that?"

"Simple, I do it all the time."

"You make it sound so easy." Kirino scoffed.

"All you have to do is make something... or someone else your new centre of attention. Prioritise someone else over whatever you want to forget."

"Someone like who?"

"Someone like me." Kariya said, leaning closer towards him.

"Don't tease."

"No Ranmaru, I'm being completely serious." By now, Kariya's face was barely an inch from Kirino's, his sharp golden eyes fixed intently on his own.

"I— I thought you said being into guys was weird."

"That doesn't matter now. Make me the only thing you think of. I wanna be on your mind so much, it'll drive you crazy." Kariya's voice was barely a whisper and Kirino could feel his face reddening rapidly, his stomach flipping. It was if Kariya had knocked all the wind out of him just by looking at him.

"I- I, i don't know." He managed to gasp out.

All Kariya did was smile, biting his lip, clearly amused.

"What's it gonna take to make you fall for me, Ranmaru." He said, more to himself than Kirino, pulling away from Kirino's flustered face, shaking his head at himself.


Kariya laughed, "You really are a doormat."

"What the hell was that?" Kirino said after he regained his voice.

"Wouldn't you like to know." Kariya winked, tapping his nose. He seemed to be acting like he usually did again, but that moment was very... out of character for him, as if he was a different person.

"That was just a little test for you, don't let people control you, because to me, you aren't a doormat." Was all Kariya said before waving a small 'see ya' and leaving Kirino alone in his room.

What on earth did Kariya mean by saying he was a doormat? Did he really let people walk over him? Did he base his choices and emotions off what others were feeling around him? Kariya was right. He wouldn't stop worrying about Shindou, they were practically attached by the hip, it was physically impossible for him to not worry, he was his best friend though he wasn't sure of that status after recent events. Kirino decided it was best to give him some space: that was probably what he wanted.

He was also quite surprised, he'd never expected something so clever to come out of Kariya's mouth. His hand moved automatically to his cheek, where Kariya's hand had touched, and was surprised when he noticed himself blushing.

What on earth was this sudden feeling?

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