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As more time passed by, Kirino's relationship with Kariya began to change. Kirino went from simply tolerating Kariya being around all the time to finding himself looking forward to seeing him and finding his presence comforting. This change didn't go unnoticed by others, with Kariya also tending to act nicer towards Kirino and minimised his usually frequent teasing. Kirino felt happy around him, happier than he'd felt for the past weeks. And although he still worried about Shindou, he knew it was best to give him some space because all the events that happened after he came back home we're so sudden it was probably pretty suffocating.

"Since when did you and Kariya get so close?" Tenma asked Kirino one evening after practice.

"It's nothing really. He's just— we're just friends." Kirino said, a small blush on his face. Tenma smirked, as if he'd had a revelation.

"Oh my god you're blushing! Do you like him?"

"What? N—no! Of course not! Why would you think that— i mean we haven't done— and it's not like would want to do— it doesn't seem like I like him and even if I did— which I don't, he wouldn't even like me back."

Kirino paused for a moment and thought about how happy he felt whenever Kariya was around, how he'd get nervous and flustered whenever he came closer to him or even smiled at him, how he felt like he could talk to him forever and not get bored.

"I guess I do like him, maybe, just a little."

"'Just a little' is sugarcoating it. It's a full blown crush isn't it. We can all tell."

Kirino's face had almost turned as pink as his hair, "Stop being so nosy."

"I'm just saying it's nice that you're acting like your old self again. You've been really gloomy recently and it wasn't a good look on you."

"I could say the same about you, are you still not gonna talk to Tsurugi?"

Tenma sighed, "No. Well, I want to, I really do but I don't know how to. He's probably just as mad at me now."

"You know I never thought you of all people would have relationship problems. Everything just seemed to go perfectly with you two. It honestly made me envy how perfect you guys were." Kirino said, lying down on the grass.

Tenma shrugged. Recently he'd been looking a little down too, almost like it was all he could do to keep up his enthusiasm. "Everyone has their own problems, I guess. So are you going to tell Kariya that you like him?"

"No, I don't think so. I know what he'll think about it all and I don't particularly want to risk it. Oh and, if you don't mind, could you keep what I said a secret?"

"Your secret is safe with me." Tenma said.

"Thanks. I'm gonna head home now, it's getting late." Kirino said, standing up and brushing the recently cut grass off the back of his shorts.

"Ok, have a good weekend. Oh, and Kirino. It's nice seeing you happy again."

Kirino couldn't help smiling at his comment. It seemed crazy how little Tenma that used to be a naive middle school kid, had grown up this much.


Kirino was almost at his house when his phone rang. He picked it up and he didn't think he could stay on his feet after he'd heard a voice he hadn't heard in almost nine weeks. Shindou, talking through Tsurugi's phone.

"Hey, Kirino."

His voice sounded awful and Kirino could only imagine how bad he looked in real life. He didn't know how to react or wether he should've felt angry or relieved or even more worried than he was before. There was only thing he thought of saying to him.

"Where are you?"

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