Question Time

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"So, Bakugou Katsuki,what do you want from me?"

Kirishima's Pov.
I sat there watching the blonde boy as he got out of the water and took his diving gear off." How come I've never seen a mermaid before." I Look at him confused "n why would we let ourselves be seen, humans have tried to hunt us in the past, and instead of this just being an interrogation I am just going to explain some stuff, there are heaps of us, we aren't endangered or anything. We live in different clans, and I could be classified as a sort of prince. We have some weird old laws about arranged marriage and stuff, but that not really important. " bakugou sat in silence, nodding his head slowly "that's quite a lot to take in, shitty hair". I just shrugged at him, what was I supposed to say, he's the one who asked. So to break the silence I ended up asking "whats it like being... human?"

Bakugou's Pov
"Being human" I mumble. " yep" he replied, has cheaks tinted pink, he's embarrassed. " well being human is rather boring" he visibly deflated after I said this " but sometimes it cool" I quickly add, and he perks up again. I tell him stories from my childhood, about the old hag and about what food i like to eat. By the time the sun is setting he has a huge grin on his face and he is practically shaking with excitement " bakugou" he starts, and I now at him to continue " Could you show me around the land and teach me more about humans?"
I sat there mulling it over in my head, I mean I could use a friend, but maybe... " okay" I said he jumped up excited " but I have one condition" I continued, and he waited " If I'm going to teach you about my people them I want you to teach me about yours".

Kirishima's Pov
He wants me to WHAT. I'm already going to be murdered for coming to land, but bringing a human. I might just get exiled, my parents would lose it. " kiri, kiRishI, KIRISHIMA" bakugou yelled, and I snapped out of my daze to see bakugou very very close to my face. I jump back, turning a bright shade of red. "S-sorry" I choke out. I start to calm down again after a minute, my blush fading and I say the words that I may come to regret " okay, I agree".

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