Modern Girl, Part 2

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  "What should I do, what should I do...?"
  Those words were repeatedly mumbled over and over again as Jougan frantically moved his head all around, scanning the area repeatedly in case he finds something that he could possibly use.

  "Wait- no- calm down!"
  He yelled at himself inside his mind, slapping his cheeks using the both of his hands to snap himself out of the panicked state that he was currently in, and he put his right hand on his chin, holding it as he began to theorize.

  "First, that thing took my 'radio'"
  "Well, it could have been my fault and I just dropped it somewhere, but that's beside the point"

  "What I do know is that this stand is able to 'turn invisible', or maybe even 'teleport'"
  "However, if it was able to do that, then it should have been able to finish me off easily, like by 'breaking my neck' before I'm even aware of what's happening"

  "Instead, it only appears whenever I try to 'contact someone', this would most likely mean that the fact my radio is gone is also that stand's fault as well, since I was trying to contact 'him' using it"

  "Then what about the door? It refused to open, and I couldn't break it even with [Mercury Blues], is that this stand's doing as well?"


  "...'contact someone'..."
  "...'the door'..."

  "Could that thing possibly be..."

  Just before Jougan had reached a conclusion, a shuffling noise from the floor right above startled him, it sounded like someone was walking around- or maybe even dragging something.

  "I need to keep moving, who knows what that thing would do if I stay in one place for too long!"
  He reminded himself, as he began to run towards the stairs that led up to the second floor- and turned just before he reached the first step, his aim was not to go upstairs, it was instead to go through the door right beside it, both to keep moving and as a means of confirming his theory.

  "A hotel like this... no, all buildings with the 'intent' to be lived in should have one of those..."

  He continued to open the door, the fact that it opened at all being a surprise to him, considering how that fared with the front door, after he did so, he charged into the room inside.

  A kitchen, well, that's just a very loose usage of the term, as this room is more so a mix between a storage room, a janitor's closet, and a kitchen all in one, on one side there's a counter with all the basic necessities to cook, while on one corner just sits a few random boxes and a couple cleaning supplies.

  But that wasn't what Jougan was here for, what he was looking for was the thing that's on the back of the room.

  The back door.

  "...If I can't open this door as well, then..."
  He inched closer towards the back door, and tried to turn the doorknob, but to no avail, as the knob here had also refused to turn, punching the door using [Mercury Blues] also showed the same result as the front door.

  "...I see..."
  "...for some reason, somehow, that thing is determined to keep myself 'inside' of the building!"
  "Is this stand an 'Automatic Type' that affects everyone who enters the hotel? It's movements definitely signified an automatic type, 'simplistic and unintelligent'"

  ", if that was the case, then this place wouldn't have been able to hold itself together"

  Jougan continued to walk towards the counter, and grabbed a carton of orange juice from the collection of beverages that sat on top of the it.

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