Chapter 6

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Flashback to Mina's past. Here's some backstory. Mina graduated from Jeju middle school, and then moved to the town Y/N lives in. And this is her first time in the city.

?: Mina-ya, make sure to look both left and right on your way to school

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?: Mina-ya, make sure to look both left and right on your way to school. Dont follow any strangers!

Mina: Okay mom, bye~!

-15 Minutes later-

Wait, am i lost? but it can't be. I'm pretty sure i'm on the right track.... Oh no, where am i?

I was getting teary eyed, when suddenly a boy came to me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to look at him

Mina: *sniff* Can i help you?

???: Huh? Wait, it's me who should be saying that, can i help you?

Mina: Oh, uh, *sniff* i'm on my way to Joongdong high school, can you help me find it?

After i said the name of the high school, his face looked confused. I must've been stranded way further than i imagined.

???:Okay. Let me take you there.

Mina: Wait, what? You can just tell me the direction an-

???: No, it's fine. I don't mind taking you there.

Mina: R-really?

???: Yeah, we better hurry up though.

Mina: Oh, okay.

As he was leading me to my school, i tried talking to him.

Mina: What's your name?

???: Oh, i'm Y/N. What about you?

Mina : My name's Mina. Kang Mina. I moved here from Jeju.

Y/N : You're from Jeju? How long has it been since you moved here?

Mina : It's been a week.

Y/N : Oh....

Then there was silence. We stayed silent until we finally arrived at my school. Turns out it should've taken only 5 minutes from my house. I feel stupid. I'm sure he feels the same.

Y/N: Alright , i'm going to my school now, do you need anything?

I want to ask for his contact, since i don't have any friends yet here. But my mouth just won't say it.

Mina: Nope. Thanks Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah, see you later!

Mina : Yeah.... see you later!

Why can't i just ask him... why? I thought to myself, as i was going in to my school.

A few weeks later, i found out what school he goes to. Turns out his school was fairly close to mine. Everyday i would walk by his school just to call out to him, but everytime i saw him, he's always with a girl, i couldn't bring myself to approach him because of that. And it goes on and on until.... i found out that not only Sejeong noona knew him, but she's also working with him at a cafe.

[Completed] No Matter | Choi Yena x M! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now